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Cleared and Stained Specimens. Impressive Photos of Baby Animals. Pour un documentaire appelé « Extraordinary Animals in the Womb », le producteur Peter Chinn de la chaîne National Geographic a utilisé des scanners à ultrasons et des minuscules caméras pour capturer toutes sortes de bébés animaux dans l’utérus. Des débuts de vie animale à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Dauphin. Eléphant.

Chihuahua. Serpent. Requin tigre. Ours polaire. Chiot. Pingouin. Requin Ctron. Des fruits et légumes à l'IRM. Beautiful Animations Showing MRI Scans of Fruits and Vegetables. Most photographers and artists will never have the opportunity to make the kind of images that Andy Ellison does. As an MRI technologist at Boston University Medical School, Ellison has access to extremely expensive imaging machines. More specifically, he runs a research-only Philips 3 Tesla MRI machine.

When he’s not using it for official purposes, he experiments with it by placing various fruits, vegetables, and flowers inside. The resulting still images and animations are beautiful and abstract, and form a project that he calls “Inside Insides.” The answers: corn, tomato, cucumber, garlic, broccoli, banana, brussel sprouts, sunflower, onion, and spagetti squash. According to Salon, the whole project started when Ellison needed a test subject to adjust the machine’s parameters.

You can find an index of his different subjects on this page, and follow along on his blog for all the latest images. Thanks for sending in the tip, Garry! Image credits: Images by Andy Ellison. The visible human project (HQ)