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Why Hot-Desking and Flexible Workplaces are Occupying the Minds of Facility Managers Again? - SeQure. How people worked changed dramatically in 2020 thanks to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Why Hot-Desking and Flexible Workplaces are Occupying the Minds of Facility Managers Again? - SeQure

Across the globe, companies that had never explored flexible work policies had to shift to a remote working environment in a matter of days. Almost a year later, the world has slowly adapted to life in the new normal. While vaccines may reduce the threat of COVID 19, the lessons and possibilities discovered by organizations with regards to their workforce are likely to remain. Even before the pandemic, surveys had shown that nearly 80% of the workforce would love to work from home when they desired. It seems likely that even as conditions settle in, employees will become adept at performing in hybrid work mode. Employee Helpdesk Software - Enabling a New Synergy Between Facility Management and The IT Help Desk - SeQure. Facility Management has traditionally been a reactive process; Facility Managers often spring into action only when an issue is reported.

Employee Helpdesk Software - Enabling a New Synergy Between Facility Management and The IT Help Desk - SeQure

But in today’s era, where user experience takes precedence over everything, taking a reactive approach like this can negatively impact employee morale and performance. Not only do today’s users expect their tools, infrastructure, and equipment to work without issues, they also want to be able to raise complaints easily and know how issues will get addressed. 5 Things That Keep The Facility Manager Up At Night - SeQure. FMS Is Crucial In Delivering Employee Well-Being And Performance - SeQure. A study states that when employees are happy, they are 20% more productive.

FMS Is Crucial In Delivering Employee Well-Being And Performance - SeQure

And professionals are happy when they are provided with the tools and support they need to perform at the levels they expect of themselves. Of course, there are a number of strategies the HR and People Management teams have to work on in this regard. But what of the working conditions? With the evolution of the workforce, the requirement for facility management is more significant than ever.

Two decades ago, the term facility management would have called upon images of changing light bulbs or cleaning the floor. Today facility management is about managing the employee experience as much as the workplace space. By establishing attractive, efficient, innovative, and functional workplaces, organizations can make their employees’ work life more straight forward and boost their motivation.

Three critical factors that make facilities management a significant part of the employee engagement equation are: The Safety-Driven Employee Experience Imperative In 2021 - SeQure. As 2020 draws to a close, the COVID 19 pandemic has brought in disruption in almost all walks of life.

The Safety-Driven Employee Experience Imperative In 2021 - SeQure

One key area that has seen tremendous change is workforce mobility across sectors. For most of this year, desk-based jobs have been done remotely by employees from their homes. While 63% of the global workforce think that working from home improved their productivity, it is unlikely that all businesses will foster complete and permanent work from home culture for the future. Some jobs cannot be done from remote locations and there is a definite sense that when communications and collaborations at a certain level are required, the move will have to be made to the office. Asset Tracking Is Much More Than Stock Taking - SeQure. The assets owned by a business are no longer just passive enablers of operations.

Asset Tracking Is Much More Than Stock Taking - SeQure

These assets have become very much part of a deeper and more interconnected workplace that empowers employees to deliver value for customers by enabling every step of their daily routine. For instance, the proliferation of digital strategies across industrial sectors has seen a massive influx of digital equipment in corporate offices and factory premises. These digital assets have transformed the workplace by driving process automation, efficiency, speed, accuracy, and traceability. Of course, as the potential impact of the assets increases, the way to track, monitor, and manage them must change too. In the good old days, a register was all that offices maintained to keep a tab on their assets.

Then came the era of smart enterprise asset tracking solutions. So, how has asset tracking software become more valuable? Planning Asset Movement Powerful Asset Maintenance Intelligent Reporting. Data Analytics In Facilities Management – Could There Be A Role? - SeQure. For too long, facility management remained a reactive process.

Data Analytics In Facilities Management – Could There Be A Role? - SeQure

Facility managers would jump into action only when they observed damage in the facility. They were rated on how fast they addressed employee complaints. Beyond OSHA Guidelines - Keeping Your Plant Safe In The Age Of COVID - SeQure. “The 21st Century has begun as an era of uncertainty, with a heightened focus on security and public safety.”

Beyond OSHA Guidelines - Keeping Your Plant Safe In The Age Of COVID - SeQure

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California It’s stating the obvious to say that the COVID 19 pandemic has caused widespread damage to the economy. Unfortunately, even with millions of jobs lost, and thousands of businesses going bankrupt, the economic impact of the virus is yet to be ascertained fully because uncertainty about vaccines and treatments still prevail. However, governments everywhere are being forced to open up and allow businesses to operate to minimize the economic impact and prevent even more job losses. It’s a hard choice, but an inevitable one it would seem. This situation transfers some of the responsibility for maintaining public health onto companies and individuals. Why Your Workplace Digital Transformation Strategy Must Not Ignore Your Visitors - SeQure. 85% of employees say health and safety in a workplace is a more significant consideration now than before the pandemic The pandemic has made it critical for every business to restrict unnecessary person-to-person contact.

Why Your Workplace Digital Transformation Strategy Must Not Ignore Your Visitors - SeQure

In that context, the spread has, reasonably, intensified concerns regarding how businesses manage visitors. As it happens, there are several businesses still relying on visitor sign-in sheets and manual processes to manage visitors. But, are these systems viable any longer? It’s not a question of whether companies should go contactless and paperless anymore. - Page 2 of 2 - QR Code Based Visitor Management System.