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Twitter Revamp and New Features: Here's What Marketers Need to Know. Twitter revealed its daily active user count for the first time in February, announcing the site has 126 million daily active users.

Twitter Revamp and New Features: Here's What Marketers Need to Know

Although Twitter’s numbers seem pale in comparison to that of Facebook (1.58 billion daily active users as of Q2 2019), Instagram (500 million), and even Snapchat (190 million), this social platform still has a considerable user base. Each social platform has its own intrigue, and Twitter’s appeal lies in the platform’s transient nature. Users head to Twitter to report on recent news, rant about a recent event, and sometimes even to start a social awareness campaign. Some of these efforts go viral, lasting months and generating real conversations and imposing real changes like the #MeToo movement.

Likewise, there are also some efforts that go viral and last about a week or so, like those funny dance videos or witty clapbacks from celebrities to paparazzi (check this out if you want to create a Twitter video strategy). Twitter Update July 2019 Key Takeaways. Your Effective Guide to Take Your Manufacturing Brand Direct to Consumers. The difference between business-to-consumer (B2C) and direct-to-consumer (D2C) is the middle man.

Your Effective Guide to Take Your Manufacturing Brand Direct to Consumers

B2C sales generally require a retailer to distribute products and goods from manufacturers to consumers, whereas in D2C the retailer is taken out of the equation. So, why do manufacturers sell directly to consumers? With D2C, brands are able to take the reigns and have full control over their sales tactics, customer service, marketing, and messaging. Brands born and bred in the digital age understand that users expect everything to be instantaneous. With D2C, brands can streamline the sales process by cutting out the middleman and directly interact with their target audience. Your Step-by-Step Guide to Create AR Based Campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.

The first time augmented reality really broke into mainstream media was back in the summer of 2016 when Niantic released it’s hit app, Pokemon Go.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Create AR Based Campaigns on Facebook and Instagram

The app sent people all over the world into a “catch ‘em all” frenzy. Users hit the streets choosing teams to catch Pokemon in parks, at local landmarks, and even in their own offices. The app was praised for its unique AR feature that allows Pokemon to appear in a user’s reality. With so much global attention and a huge fan-base, advertisers were quickly looking to see how they could also get a slice of the pie. The landmarks in Pokemon Go, which are noted as PokeStops in the game, became a popular form of AR advertisement for local businesses. How to Use Facebook Insights Tools to Create Social Media Strategies in 2020.

As of this year, there are over 247 million social media users in the United States and 3.5 billion social media users worldwide.

How to Use Facebook Insights Tools to Create Social Media Strategies in 2020

Despite many naysayers, social media continues to grow, and according to Globalwebindex, each person spends an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes on social platforms or messaging sites daily. With so many people spending time in one place, it should come as no surprise that where there are users, there are advertisers! Social media marketing has taken on many different forms over the years. This practice changes and adapts to social media as social sites continue to build, grow, and expand to meet the ever-changing demands of their users. A first choice for users and advertisers alike, Facebook is the most popular platform that started it all. Free SMS Communication Templates for Back-to-School During COVID-19. As schools across the country respond differently to the ongoing pandemic, there’s one thing they have in common: They need to keep their community of teachers, staff, parents, and students alerted of essential updates.

Free SMS Communication Templates for Back-to-School During COVID-19

One method gaining popularity due to its high deliverability, speed, and expansiveness is SMS marketing or sending text messages. If you’re responsible for your school’s communication and are looking for guidance on what to send, keep reading below for some free SMS templates. What Marketers Should Know About Facebook's New Branding.

Rebranding is an important step in the evolution of a business.

What Marketers Should Know About Facebook's New Branding

Companies make this shift to cater to the current trends, needs, and circumstances of their audience. Rebranding is a decision that’s made when brands feel they need to make a change in order to stay relevant. Communication between brands and users has never been easier than it is today. In the digital age, users hold a lot of power—they can do everything from cancel celebrities and influencers (which basically means taking away their power by deeming them irrelevant and/or unfollowing them in hoards), to demand the redesign of a movie character (take a look at Sonic), and they can even pressure huge corporate behemoths to provide answers for huge social justice issues. How Brands Can Start Leveraging TikTok Before It's Too Late. Just when everyone thought there couldn’t be another social giant, TikTok came along and proved everyone wrong.

How Brands Can Start Leveraging TikTok Before It's Too Late

Similar to Snapchat, TikTok was seen as just another app “the kids” play with. Little did they know this app would amass over 500 million monthly active users worldwide in just three years since its launch, making it more popular than sites like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, and even Twitter. TikTok initially launched in 2016, but when its parent company, ByteDance, purchased Musical.y in 2017, the merger resulted in a direct line of access to the US teenage market (AKA a huge increase in its user base). In Q1 of 2019, TikTok was the most downloaded app and welcomed 188 million new users to its site. But who uses TikTok? Mobile Marketing Trends and Stats Marketers Should Follow in 2020. Internet is more easily accessible than ever in today’s digital landscape.

Mobile Marketing Trends and Stats Marketers Should Follow in 2020

There’s free WiFi on public transit, in coffee shops, in restaurants, in public parks… and with internet connections so readily available, users have little to no trouble connecting with their mobile devices. In fact, mobile users rose to 4.68 billion last year. To top it off, mobile app revenue rose also to 461.7 billion dollars, up by 96.5 billion from 2018! What Marketers Need to Know about Instagram Hiding like Counts. Instagram has become one of the most widely used social media platforms in the world.

What Marketers Need to Know about Instagram Hiding like Counts

According to Statista, Facebook’s younger sibling is the sixth most popular social networking site, with over 1 billion monthly active users. Despite being younger than Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, and other social channels, Instagram had vastly surpassed their user base in a short amount of time. Adding to this is the fact that the average user spends around 30 minutes on Instagram, 63% of users check the site once a day, and 42% check the site multiple times a day. Social media is just a little addictive. Since Facebook’s acquisition, Instagram has undergone several tune ups. What Hiding Likes on Instagram Means for Advertisers. How to Create an Effective Mobile CX Strategy for eCommerce. The world of eCommerce is complex and constantly changing as the modern-day consumer has more and more demands they want to be met.

How to Create an Effective Mobile CX Strategy for eCommerce

However one of their biggest demands is regarding seamless and efficient customer experience. Knowing how to improve customer experience, across mobile platforms especially, is vital to achieving success in the eCommerce marketplace. Omnichannel shopping has been a driving force in online and in-store shopping experiences for years now and mobile eCommerce UX is now more important than ever before. Currently, 71% of in-store shoppers using smartphones to research their in-store purchase and smartphones now influence more than 28% of all US retails sales, finding how to improve mobile user experience can have many positive effects on your company conversion rate. What Is a Mobile CX Strategy? How Data-Driven Innovation Will Change in 2020. No longer is marketing reliant on assumptions and gut feeling alone. Today, data-driven innovations are how marketers are looking to operate. Data has the potential to be your most valuable marketing resource.

With the right information in hand, you can create scalable and repeatable marketing processes. This is the true value of DDI as you can let your campaigns run based on data-driven innovation meaning you can focus on the creative side and optimize effectively. 11 PPC Trends that B2B Businesses Should be Aware of in 2020. In an increasingly competitive world, you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your ad budget. With new Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategies emerging all the time, it is painfully evident that if you’re following the PPC trends 2019 had to offer, then your PPC strategy for 2020 will suffer as a result. However, with so many new updates occurring at a seemingly faster and faster rate it is becoming increasingly difficult to know which ones are worth paying attention to and which ones will just be a waste of resources.

Last Year Roundup Sometimes before you take a look ahead at the newest PPC trends, it’s wise to step back and see where you’ve just come from. 6 Ways Texting Can Help Schools With COVID Communication. As the start of a new school year rapidly approaches, many people wonder what that may look like, given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Will students and teachers be allowed back into classrooms, under specific guidance?

Will they continue the distance learning many adopted in spring? Or, perhaps, will it be a mixture of the two? Regardless of the answer, uncertainty abounds, which leaves everyone impacted by a child’s education on edge. How to get Started with Lead Scoring in HubSpot. Leads. Marketing wants more. Sales wants more. And we all know the big bosses want more! So how do you make locating and communicating with more qualified leads faster? Lead scoring, of course. YouTube Policy and Community Guidelines Updates Marketers Should Know. When users think of social media, they think of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Rarely, is YouTube on that list. But YouTube is, in fact, a social site. And when you throw YouTube in the mix, it's clear that it is the most prominent social site of them all with a staggering 2 billion logged-in monthly users. The only website to exceed that number is Google! 73% of US adults use YouTube. Overview of YouTube Community Guidelines If you’re not already familiar with them, you may be thinking what are the community guidelines on YouTube? Creating Your Online Site: A Business Survival Guide During Coronavirus. In the U.S. alone it’s been predicted that up to 25,000 shops will close nationwide due to the pandemic outbreak. Businesses closing their doors who are unsure what to do next, it seems the best option would be a transition to online commerce as a means to stay afloat throughout the crisis. Top 10 Prominent Typography Trends for Inspiration in the Year 2020. Typography is a huge player in design. The same way different colors evoke different emotions, different fonts express different attitudes.

Why Location Intelligence and VPS Will Be the Next Big Thing in Mobility. How People Can Manage To Work From Home Effectively and Happily. 9 Customer Experience Trends That Marketers Must Be Aware of in 2020. With so many companies making it a priority to transform their customer experience, any company not doing so will be quickly left behind. CMS Comparison - Comparing HubSpot to Wix & SquareSpace. In April, HubSpot added its' latest Hub to the family: CMS Hub. If you haven't read about it yet, CMS Hub is HubSpot's stand-alone content management system that makes building and editing your website as simple as a few clicks.

Nike vs Adidas: Competitive Analysis with Data Visualizations - Datahut. Here is a competitive analysis of Nike vs Adidas with data, insights, visualizations, and more. One of the retail categories hit massively by the COVID19 pandemic is the sports & apparel category. Adidas and Nike are two giants in the apparel market with a large market cap and market share.

11 Video Marketing Statistics For 2020 That Marketers Must Be Watchful of. Video content has been on the rise for quite some time now. How to Build an App on the HubSpot Marketplace. In the HubSpot ecosystem, an app is an integration that can be installed in a customer’s portal to help resolve a pain point they’re experiencing. Coronavirus: Changing consumer behavior and e-commerce trends - Datahut. The COVID-19 crisis is changing consumer behavior across eCommerce platforms tremendously. Due to this change, a few businesses will thrive; some will become stagnant while the rest will collapse. The drastic rise and fall of specific product categories in the e-commerce market are alarming. Location Specific Triggers: How Geofencing Can be Useful for Brands. 4 Simple Ways to Refocus, Avoid Distraction, And Achieve Goals. How to Use Product Intelligence to Win Customers - Datahut.

The Best Way to Get Started With HubSpot. Data-driven e-commerce supply chain management - Datahut. Neuromarketing: How Brands Can Gain An Edge By Understanding Consumers' Buying Behavior. HubSpot Marketing Hub Deal. Virtual Events 2020: How to Host an Online Event. A Short Guide to HubSpot's ABM Tools. 25 Free Tools For Startups to Help Through COVID-19 - Datahut. 25 Free Tools For Startups to Help Through COVID-19 - Datahut. Conversational Marketing Statistics For 2020 To Help You Boost Conversions. ElegantThemes Deals. 3 Things to Avoid When Creating Your Chatbot. Scraping eBay: How to Scrape Product Data Using Python - Datahut. How Voice-Enabled Smart Devices Invade Your Privacy. HubSpot Free CRM Deal. Introducing Lynton's New Creative Services. Scraping Amazon Reviews using Scrapy in Python - Datahut. Free Google Shopping Product Listing: An Effective Guide For Businesses During COVID-19.

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