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6 White Hat SEO Tricks to Double Your Website Traffic - SEO Duke. White Hat SEO follows all the great SEO techniques and helps in attracting traffic on your website.

6 White Hat SEO Tricks to Double Your Website Traffic - SEO Duke

And if you're using all the real techniques while promoting SEO, the Search Engine will give preference to your website. The White Hat SEO are often slow, but it's reliable. The websites that follow Black Hat SEO are blacklisted by Search Engines. 1. Quality Content: to urge more traffic on your website, use relevant content. program and audience get interested in valuable content. Using Meta Tags to boost search engine Ranking - SEO Duke.

This is a meta tag that tells program crawlers whether or not they should index a page or not. important values of a robots.txt meta tag: Follow - this instructs the crawlers to follow all links on an internet page.

Using Meta Tags to boost search engine Ranking - SEO Duke

Nofollow - this instructs the crawlers to not follow the page and any links thereon page. Index - this instructs the crawlers to index an internet page. Noindex - this instructs the crawlers to not index an internet page. The following are the syntax for robot meta tags: Best Keyword Research Tools For SEO: 2020 Edition - SEO Duke. Google Keyword PlannerSEMRUSH (Have given a link below to undertake SEMRUSH worth $199)KWFinderAnswer the general public (Free)Ahrefs 1.

Best Keyword Research Tools For SEO: 2020 Edition - SEO Duke

Google Keyword Planner The Google Keyword Planner tool is one of the foremost used and popular keyword research tools out there. The only reason for it being so popular is it’s free and is directly integrated with Google AdWords. To start using this tool you would like to possess an AdWords account (which you'll create one for free). Features: the most important feature of the Keyword Planner tool is that the deep information it offers on Google (the largest search engine). Limitations: In some ways, that’s also a limitation. Pricing: liberal to use. The Keyword Planner tool may be a good, basic tool for the first stages of a website’s SEO. This my favorite free tool, but if you would like more detailed and competitive analysis, I might recommend going for one among the advanced tools that I even have listed below. Best Keyword Research Tools: 2020 edition. Top 10 SEO Strategies to Perform in 2020 - SEO Duke.

SEO is the process of designing, outlining, and implementing strategies to urge more organic web traffic. there's continuous growth in SEO strategies from advanced promoting, new patterns to new updates, and devices that upgraded our procedures and systems and perform better by and enormous but there's always more room for development.

Top 10 SEO Strategies to Perform in 2020 - SEO Duke

Simulated intelligence Assistants like Siri and Google Assistant have found out voice search as a practical choice, alongside upgrading its usefulness past inquiry and permitting more errands to be robotized. 2020 like all other years has brought new patterns, instruments, and procedures to flourish. 10 best SEO strategies to perform in 2020: KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: When you know the wants and problems with your intended audience, you'll give them what they have. it's fundamental to answer your audience’s issues and questions by means of your site content.

The response and opinions of your audience really matter. 10 On-Page Technical SEO Factors to Assess in an SEO Audit - SEO Duke. 1.

10 On-Page Technical SEO Factors to Assess in an SEO Audit - SEO Duke

Sitemaps The presence of a sitemap file on your site will help search engines: Better understand its structure. Where pages are located. More importantly, provides it access to your site XML sitemaps are often simple, with one line of the location per line. They don’t need to be pretty. HTML sitemaps can enjoy being “prettier” with a touch more organization else. 2. 3.Crawl Errors The Crawl Errors section of GSC will assist you identify whether crawl errors currently exist on-site. Finding crawl errors, and fixing them, is a crucial a part of any website audit because the more crawl errors a site has, the more issues Google has finding pages and indexing them. Ongoing technical SEO maintenance of those items is crucial for having a healthy Website. 4. Multiple versions can exist, from capital URLs to small letter URLs, to URLs with dashes and URLs with underscores. Sites with severe URL issues can even have the following: What’s wrong with this picture? 6 White Hat SEO Tricks to Double Your Website Traffic - SEO Duke.