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A $1 billion Gates Foundation-backed education initiative failed to help students, according to a new report — here's what happened. Ministry to promote more use of machinery , Business, Phnom Penh Post. Paint Fade - These guys took summer in New Zealand to a... 4 Things Transformational Teachers Do. The key to transformational teaching is not reacting, but rather a grinding obsession with analysis and preparation. Lee Shulman, as reported by Marge Scherer, suggests that expert teachers -- despite enormous challenges --demonstrate: Cognitive understanding of how students learn; emotional preparation to relate to many students whose varied needs are not always evident; content knowledge from which to draw different ways to present a concept; and, finally, the ability to make teaching decisions quickly and act on them.

So how do they do that? Let's break it down. 1. Instructors tend to use one of two instructional orientations: Transmission: Where "the teacher's role is to prepare and transmit information to learners" and "the learners' role is to receive, store, and act upon this information. " What Does Transformational Teaching Look Like? Constructivist teachers focus on enriching students' perspective on the content by facilitating rich experiences. 2. 3. 4. ASDAN. Preparing 21st century citizens role work based learning linked learning. Google. Engaging Youth in Work Experiences: An Innovative Strategies Practice Brief. This Innovative Strategies Practice Brief provides practical examples and resources used by promising and exemplary youth programs to engage youth in work experiences.

Engaging Youth in Work Experiences: An Innovative Strategies Practice Brief

The youth programs featured in this brief have been recognized by NCWD/Youth as Innovative Strategies. NCWD/Youth's Innovative Strategies features workforce development programs and practices that serve youth with disabilities, either as a target population or as part of other youth populations. The Value of Work Experiences Work experiences are both paid and unpaid opportunities to work and practice career readiness skills. When work experiences are a part of a supervised program sponsored by an education or training organization that links knowledge gained at the worksite with a planned program of study, they are referred to as work-based learning opportunities. Mission Possible: Project-Based Learning Preparing Graduate Students for Technology - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib) Purchase or Subscription required for access Purchase individual articles and papers Receive full-text access to individual articles for $9.95 USD each.

Mission Possible: Project-Based Learning Preparing Graduate Students for Technology - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib)

Use PayPal button to purchase PDF copy of paper (2 pages) Subscribe for faster access! Subscribe and receive access to 100,000+ documents, for only $19/month (or $150/year). Already have access? New Project-Based Course Teaches Graduate Students to Solve Real-World Problems. Project-based learning is at the core of a new elective offered to graduate students enrolled in the Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) program at the San José State University (SJSU) School of Information.

New Project-Based Course Teaches Graduate Students to Solve Real-World Problems

Working together via online collaboration tools, students will design investigations, collect and analyze data, make products, and present their ideas to solve a real-world information problem for an actual group of people. Melanie Sellar, the co-executive director of the non-profit organization Librarians Without Borders (link is external) and instructor for the new course, is excited about the skills graduate students will obtain. Project Based Learning in Higher Education - Center for Project Based Learning (PBL) - Sam Houston State University. The term "knowledge construction" or "knowledge management" presents the idea of a stair-step approach to learning whereby learning is a building process.

Project Based Learning in Higher Education - Center for Project Based Learning (PBL) - Sam Houston State University

In Project Based Learning (PBL), a learning loop is formed using the eight essential elements of PBL endemic in today’s learning milieu. Closing that loop is not the end, as it might seem, but the emergence of the next platform of learning. It has been said, “high school teaches you what to think; and, college teaches you how to think”. However, that is changing in today’s learning culture. Students are arriving on campus or participating in online courses with experience in knowledge design, collaborative learning, and a respect for the cognitive process. The Center for Project Based Learning, a division of the Curriculum and Instruction Department at Sam Houston State University, has been approved to provide a platform for the study and implementation of PBL for all grade levels, K-16. Skills Bridging in TVET: The Cambodia Experience - Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Webinar - AmHydro. InnoveEdu - Innovative educational experiences.

Problem: The project combats educational and social problems such as unemployment, especially among young people across the world, the lack of appeal from which vocational education usually suffers, failures in the training of teachers and school leaders for 21st century learning and the difficulties encountered by prospective entrepreneurs.

InnoveEdu - Innovative educational experiences

The project began in 2011 on the campus of educational development center Omnia Kirkkokatu in the city of Espoo in Finland. 6 Future Learning Scenarios: How Education May Look Beyond Today. One cannot begin to imagine future learning scenarios if we can’t see where we’ve come from. I remember sitting at my desk with my textbook and notebook open and the teacher at the front of the class lecturing. In the afternoon I would go home to reread the texts and notes, my eyes glazing over and my head nodding in exhaustion. The tests and assignments came and went. We learned to ‘play school’ with startling exactness. At least that’s how the core classes went. Training Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation Basics for Development Practitioners - Cambodia.


Training Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation Basics for Development Practitioners - Cambodia

Development Interventions and the Theory of ChangeSound intervention logic enhances the probability of achieving envisioned outcomes. By revisiting project fundamentals, this session would aim at developing shared understanding of the concept of theory of change. 2. M&E FundamentalsThe session would aim at defining and distinguishing M&E as well as understanding various M&E typologies. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Shouldn't lectures be obsolete by now? By Matt Pickles .

Shouldn't lectures be obsolete by now?

Image copyright iStock Lectures remain by far the most common form of teaching in universities - right down to the way academics are called "lecturers". But many predicted that digital technology would have killed off the lecture by now. Why would you want to sit through someone telling you something, when so much more information is available at your fingertips whenever you want it? But when you look at some online courses, instead of revolutionising higher education, they have often simply transported the classic lecture format to an internet audience. So why has the lecture refused to go away?

Attention deficit It's not because it's particularly effective. Shouldn't lectures be obsolete by now? Shouldn't lectures be obsolete by now? New Release Serious Games To Quickly Build Project Management Capability. “I believe this foundational level of project management is important for everyone, even if you do not plan to become a project manager,” he says.

New Release Serious Games To Quickly Build Project Management Capability

“In every-day life you will find activities which can be done much more effectively if you apply some simple project management techniques.” Richard Newton says that most of his work takes place with people with a good deal of experience. However, occasionally, he works with groups with little or no project management experience to build an understanding of PM fundamentals. Unlock: Project Management targets the latter audience.

The game provides a realistic PM experience at a foundational level - a practical and immediate approach to develop PM skills, by addressing PM recurring elements in the context of a high pressure, disaster recovery scenario. Gameplay In the game, the small island of Cataleyo has been hit with a category 4 hurricane and is totally devastated. Sidford 21stCenturyCompetencies. Interdisciplinary Learning. Post-Secondary. Vocational Education and Training Learning and Teaching Resources. Background Vocational Education and Training (VE&T or VET) provides life-long learning opportunities and is not just restricted to VE&T in Schools programs.

Vocational Education and Training Learning and Teaching Resources

Vocational Education and Training is also delivered by TAFEs, private Registered Training Organisations and Adult and Community Education centres. At any given time, nearly half a million Victorians are using VE&T options to start a career, embark on a new career or improve their workplace skills. Lesson Plans. Innovative strategies technical vocational education training. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Skills are vital for poverty reduction, economic recovery and sustainable development.

Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Vocational (VET) learning and teaching resources. Vocational/Career and Technical Education Resources. Vocational Education and Training Resources. OECD Action Plan for Youth www.oecd The work of the OECD in the areas of youth skills development, the youth unemployment crisis and local, national and global programs to support preparing youth to contribute to the global economy and society is broad. These sites provide a topline view of the information, data and reports of relevance and importance to stakeholders in the world skills movement. Construction and Building Technology International Building and Construction Trade Fair The next International Building and Construction Trade Fair will be held in May 2015 in Shanghai, China.