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Parents Are "Gay Bashed" In Front of Their Children. Gay fathers condemned for raising child without 'mom': Part 1. EARLY 1960'S CIGARETTE ADS. Meghan's New Life: The Real Princess Diaries. The Value of Self-Reflection. How teaching philosophy could help combat extremism. Young people today are constantly at risk of indoctrination – whether deliberate or inadvertent.

How teaching philosophy could help combat extremism

This can be by advertisers, politicians, religious extremists or the media – and can make it hard for young people to get a handle on the world around them. But in this age of contradictory images and constant messages, I believe the teaching of philosophy can help young people think for themselves, challenge misinformation and resist attempts to indoctrinate them. This concept was touched upon by the British Council in its 2015 working paper which concluded: Young people need to be taught how to think to immunise their minds against ideologies that seek to teach them what to think. The Department for Education’s own research in 2010 also suggested a link between philosophy for children and protection against indoctrination.

This is beacuse the teaching and study of philosophy can work towards these goals in an inclusive way. Misinformation A flourishing life. Feel the Difference Islam Social Experiment. Four sisters in Ancient Rome - Ray Laurence. Por matar y comer gatos, condenan a un hombre en Amagá. Chimamanda Adichie on What Americans Get Wrong About Africa - The Atlantic. Timeline - The Atlantic. Girl's Rite of Passage. How Jay Park is changing attitudes to Korean Beauty. A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome - Ray Laurence. How an Archive of the Internet Could Change History. A few years ago, the Brooklyn Museum put on a Keith Haring exhibition, with a focus on his early career.

How an Archive of the Internet Could Change History

There were videos of Haring at work, feverishly painting his way across an enormous scroll, and a room filled with drawings he illegally chalked in subway stations. But most stunning, at least to me, were Haring’s notebooks. They were displayed under clear cubes, their well-worn sheets pinned open for visitors to study. The notebooks were sublimely surreal, filled with dogs crawling beneath bulbous U.F.O.s and penises ejaculating alongside concave cylinders that looked like nuclear cooling towers. By the time I first encountered Haring’s work as a teenager, his artistic legacy had been reduced to catchy imagery of colorful, blocky bodies hugging and dancing on T-shirts. I left with an urgent curiosity about what sort of artifacts we would display a few decades from now, for future generations to discover.

There are scattered efforts to preserve digital history. Photo. Habermas - Google Search. Which of The “Friends” Are You? Asch Conformity Experiment. Neck Stretching. Initiation With Ants. Aislados: Tribu Zo'é (Parte 4) / Isolated: The Zo'é tribe (part 4) Haceme un dise�ito. First Gay Hug (A Homophobic Experiment) Defending Millennials: A Response to David Brooks, William Deresiewicz, and Anthony Kronman. Graduation season is almost done, and it has brought the usual spate of commencement speeches that urge graduates to follow their passion, be true to themselves, inspire their fellow humans, and save the world.

Defending Millennials: A Response to David Brooks, William Deresiewicz, and Anthony Kronman

But in recent years there has been a dissenting note to this feel-good rhetoric. In 2012, the speech that became a YouTube sensation—now viewed by 2.5 million people! —was by a then-obscure high-school English teacher to his senior class. The title was “You Are Not Special,” which also gives you a sense of the thesis. It was an elegant essay that was actually gentle in comparison to some of the other characterizations of young people in the media these days.

The core charge against today’s youth is that they are achievement-oriented automatons, single-mindedly focused on themselves and their careers. The notion that young people are somehow callow is not a new charge. Now, there are anecdotes on either side of this issue. Today, everyone is told, that compact has been broken. 13 increíbles tradiciones de paso a la adultez de todo el mundo. Flickr: Derek A., aka i Morpheus.

13 increíbles tradiciones de paso a la adultez de todo el mundo

The Myth of the Barter Economy. Imagine life before money.

The Myth of the Barter Economy

Say, you made bread but you needed meat. But what if the town butcher didn’t want your bread? You’d have to find someone who did, trading until you eventually got some meat. You can see how this gets incredibly complicated and inefficient, which is why humans invented money: to make it easier to exchange goods. Why Study Philosophy? 'To Challenge Your Own Point of View' - Hope Reese. At a time when advances in science and technology have changed our understanding of our mental and physical selves, it is easy for some to dismiss the discipline of philosophy as obsolete.

Why Study Philosophy? 'To Challenge Your Own Point of View' - Hope Reese

Stephen Hawking, boldly, argues that philosophy is dead. Not according to Rebecca Newberger Goldstein. Goldstein, a philosopher and novelist, studied philosophy at Barnard and then earned her Ph.D. in philosophy at Princeton University. She has written several books, won a MacArthur “Genius Award” in 1996, and taught at several universities, including Barnard, Columbia, Rutgers, and Brandeis. Goldstein’s forthcoming book, Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away, offers insight into the significant—and often invisible—progress that philosophy has made.

You came across The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant as a kid. I grew up in a very religious Orthodox Jewish household and everybody seemed to have firm opinions about all sorts of big questions. La vida diaria de la Tribu Zoe (un mundo perdido) ¿PORQUE SOS HINCHA DE RACING? FDP. Monólogo, Articulo Impreso Archivado. Patricia Kuhl: The linguistic genius of babies. NG Live!: Jodi Cobb: What Is Beauty? Parejas sin hijos un nuevo modelo de familia. En las parejas de antes eran mínimo cinco, en las de hoy a veces ni hay.

Parejas sin hijos un nuevo modelo de familia

Algunos matrimonios modernos se alejan de los adagios de que los hijos traen el pan debajo del brazo, que antes de morir hay que plantar un árbol, escribir un libro y tener un hijo; y que Dios bendice al matrimonio a través de los hijos. Hoy, por razones profesionales, académicas e incluso, por temores, muchas parejas deciden no tener descendencia. Claudia Vélez y su esposo Jorge Jaramillo, conforman uno de esos matrimonios. "Lo que nos motivó a tomar esa decisión es la responsabilidad tan grande que es tener un hijo, además de los factores económico y social. Google. Rouco y Ratzinger califican a las familias no tradicionales católicas como peligro social. El Siguiente Programa-Caconia. Los riesgos de ser papá después de los 40 - BBC Mundo - Noticias. China, la "fábrica del mundo", necesita mano de obra - BBC Mundo - Noticias. Noticias - Occupy Wall Street vs. el Sueño Americano. Niño llama a la policía porque no se quería dormir. Quino-vida-moderna.jpg (523×700) Uruguay legaliza la producción y la venta de marihuana - BBC Mundo - Última Hora. Corea del Norte promulgó catálogo de cortes de pelo del régimen. No todos los norcoreanos son iguales aunque pudiera parecerlo, ya que ellas aparecen vestidas siempre con falda o con el traje tradicional coreano y ellos caminan ataviados con pantalón de raya y sobrios abrigos de colores muertos.

Corea del Norte promulgó catálogo de cortes de pelo del régimen

De hecho, esta semana se ha sabido que pueden elegir entre un buen número de peinados diferentes. Ellas, quizá porque son consideradas más coquetas o porque pueden dejarse el pelo largo, tienen 18 estilos diferentes a su alcance, aunque a las solteras se les vetan cuatro; ellos, que pueden dejar crecer el cabello hasta un máximo de cinco centímetros -siete, si lucen canas-, solo pueden escoger entre 10 cortes de pelo. Noticias - Cinco fotos que calentaron el debate sobre el cuerpo. Stco vendió la Biblia como libro de ficción - BBC Mundo - Noticias. Seinfeld - Had To and Maybe? (Subtitulos) [S01E00] Humor Grafico (Quino) Iglesia Católica en Alemania pone en venta sus iglesias por falta de creyentes.

En una medida un tanto desesperada para evitar la fuga de fondos y, parafraseando la metáfora de los Evangelios, echar dinero bueno en odres viejos, el Arzobispado de Berlín decidió poner a la vente una iglesia y una capilla construidas apenas hace unas pocas décadas, esto porque, simplemente, no puede costear más su mantenimiento.

Iglesia Católica en Alemania pone en venta sus iglesias por falta de creyentes

Según se lee en su sitio web, la división del catolicismo en Alemania ofrece una capilla en la ciudad de Loitz (Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidenta) en un precio inicial de 20 mil euros (con un terreno de más de mil metros cuadrados de superficie), y una nave de 175 metros cuadrados en un terreno de 952 metros cuadrados por 135 mil euros. El Arzobispado tomó esta decisión en buena medida porque, simplemente, ya no hay feligreses que acudan a los recintos y generen el flujo de capital con las actividades que podrían realizar en estos (desde el ofrecimiento de una limosna hasta pago de servicios como el matrimonio o el bautizo). [El País] ¿Dónde es ilegal ser gay en el mundo? - BBC Mundo - Noticias. Noticias - Así decide Facebook qué prohíbe. La importancia de no creer - BBC Mundo - Blogs. Genial video realizado por Corea del Norte explora la propaganda y la manipulación cultural de Estados Unidos.

Video norcoreano expone los mecanismos propagandísticos de la cultura hipermediatizada de Estados Unidos, la ilusión de la democracia y el poder corporativo que hace de los ciudadanos consumidores empedernidos.

Genial video realizado por Corea del Norte explora la propaganda y la manipulación cultural de Estados Unidos

Una joya de comunicación política realizada por Corea del Norte expone la propaganda habitual que inunda la atmósfera electrónica de una cultura como la de Estados Unidos. En inglés se dice ”it takes one to know one”, algo que se traduce vagamante “sólo uno de se condición puede reconocer a otro”. Esto aplica perfectamente a este caso: un estado como el norcoreano que atiborra de propaganda a sus ciudadanos es capaz de identificar con gran claridad los mecanismos con los que opera la democracia propaganda en Estados Unidos.

Video y Fotos - En fotos: un nuevo tipo de belleza. Barry Lyndon La marche avant la charge. Google. The Straight Story 1/10. Jürgen Habermas Interview.