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Christmas Experiments. Agora sim: o HTML5 se tornou oficialmente uma Recomendação. A galera do HTML Working Group publicou hoje que o HTML5 se tornou uma recomendação oficial do W3C.

Agora sim: o HTML5 se tornou oficialmente uma Recomendação

Se você não conhece a história toda, entenda que o HTML5 não saiu originalmente do W3C, ele foi iniciado por alguns desenvolvedores rebeldes que formaram um grupo chamado WhatWG. A partir daí o resto é história. “Today we think nothing of watching video and audio natively in the browser, and nothing of running a browser on a phone,” disse o Tim Berners-Lee, Diretor do W3C.

“We expect to be able to share photos, shop, read the news, and look up information anywhere, on any device. Though they remain invisible to most users, HTML5 and the Open Web Platform are driving these growing user expectations.” O HTML5 teve muita importância porque trouxe um pacote de novidades para os desenvolvedores, transformando o modo com que desenvolvíamos para a web. Veja a notícia completa aqui. Talvez você goste desses também: Beautiful-HTML.png (PNG Image, 2000 × 2000 pixels) - Scaled (50%) Moshe Haddad - #amazing #html5 #JS #KCT #GAME. Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck. Bones - The HTML5 Wordpress Starter Theme. Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers.

HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly. HTML5 & CSS3 Web Design. 5 HTML5 Features Every Developer Should Know How to Use. Introduction As HTML5 becomes more and more common, it is important for web developers to know the main features and how to use them.

5 HTML5 Features Every Developer Should Know How to Use

HTML5 not only includes new markup elements but also APIs that can be consumed from the JavaScript code. If you are not familiar with HTML5 yet, it's the right time to peek into some of the interesting features. To that end this article discusses some of the features of HTML5 that are worth knowing. Specifically you will learn about audio, video and canvas elements, new input types, miscellaneous form features and custom data attributes. Note: You will find that features such as Web Sockets and Web Storage are often included as HTML5 features. Audio and Video Elements HTML5 offers two elements, The first line of markup uses the <audio> element to play the audio1.mp3 file.

<audio> element in Chrome Not all of the browsers support the same audio and video formats and you may need to provide some fallback mechanism. Canvas Element New Input Types Date input field. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. W3C HTML5 Logo. The Movement You're excited about HTML5; we are too.

W3C HTML5 Logo

You've not just been enjoying the HTML5-powered web already — you're building it! As adoption and inspiration spreads, the web community will find creative ways to apply HTML5 and related technologies, spark trends, and capture best practices. As momentum builds, we hope you bring this logo along for the ride and paint the world orange. Just-add-water CSS Animations. jQuery Roundup: 15 Plugins You Should Try. 27 Jan 2014 | 2 comments | 7 likes | in found, resources Give your pages some headroom.

jQuery Roundup: 15 Plugins You Should Try

Hide your header until you need it. FitText makes font-sizes flexible. Use this plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element. Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible. Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. A handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows A jQuery plugin for extracting dominant colors from images and applying it to its parent Parallax scrolling made easy. A jquery plugin that slowly and lazily packs the contents of an element. A jQuery plugin for creating draggable 360s PercentageLoader is a tiny jQuery plugin for displaying progress in a visual and engaging way. gmaps.js allows you to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way.

Zen photon garden. HTML5: surpreenda-se com as possibilidades gráficas de Canvas. Nenhum software externo é usado nestas animações.

HTML5: surpreenda-se com as possibilidades gráficas de Canvas

(Fonte da imagem: Reprodução/Codepen.Io) Se você é programador, entusiasta a web designer ou apenas gosta de ficar por dentro do “mundo mágico da programação”, estas demonstrações do poderio gráfico de Canvas certamente vão lhe chamar a atenção. E detalhe: os códigos listados a seguir são também um convite a quem “gosta de brincar com a física”, conforme comenta o próprio criador das animações. Mas estamos falando do quê? O Canvas é um elemento de HTML5 capaz de delimitar uma área específica na página para a renderização dinâmica de gráficos. Para visualizar e até mesmo interagir com os códigos elencados abaixo, clique sobre a opção “Ver demo” (ao lado do título de cada uma das animações); você será automaticamente direcionado ao site Develop Mozila ou ao Codepen.Io – endereços responsáveis por hospedar os recursos interativos. 1 – Zen Photon Garden (Ver demo) Clique em "Ver demo" para acessar a animação. 2 – Tear-able Cloth (Ver demo)

HTML 5 na prática, Canvas - Parte 01. CAKE - Canvas Animation Kit Experiment.