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A trainer, coach, therapist and counselor specializing in:- Resolving relationship problems, physical pain and stress-related issues using Alpha Repatterning and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy.

NLP Workshop or Neuro Linguistic Programming courses. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is one of the most powerful self development tools ever created.

NLP Workshop or Neuro Linguistic Programming courses

An understanding of NLP gives you practical, easy to use knowledge that enables you to get in control of your mind and turbo charge the effectiveness of your communication, with others and yourself. The result is greater effectiveness in all areas of your life, including, work, sport and personal relationships. Imagine being able to set yourself goals and targets that are really important to you and know that you can reach them. Imagine if you could program yourself to achieve or attract whatever you desire.

Wouldn’t that be great? An understanding of NLP is like having a secret weapon for supercharging your life and taking control of it so that you never have to deal with feeling helplessness or inadequacy again. When you understand NLP you will discover: Maybe you want to: With NLP you can eliminate unconscious limiting patterns and program your unconscious mind for success. Client Form. Relationships - EFT Training Workshops Melbourne, EFT Practitioner Melbourne. Relationship Personal Consultations, Relationship Counselling, Coaching and Marriage Guidance For Couples, Families and Singles.

Relationships - EFT Training Workshops Melbourne, EFT Practitioner Melbourne

Whether you want to enhance your current relationship or attract your perfect partner, or have Pre Marriage Counselling you are in the right place. Now you too can enjoy Peaceful, Loving, Passionate Relationships. Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) & NLP to easily release the emotional patterns that cause or attract relationship problems. The solution is easier than you think. So don’t put your love and happiness on hold Call 03 97 222 678 Now for your free initial 30 minute consultation.

You’ll discover the hidden causes of relationship issues. Learn how to heal damaged and broken relationships and create a life where appreciation, love and joy can thrive in all of your important relationships. Testimonials. EFT Training Workshops Melbourne. Alpha RePatterning demo with EFT Master Jacqui Crooks If you have used EFT with a skilled practitioner or trainer you will know that it is an awesome tool for rapidly resolving a huge range of issues.

EFT Training Workshops Melbourne

That is provided of course we thoroughly address the core issues or root causes of the problem. So if Jenny comes for assistance with say a fear of dogs for example, and she had no fear until a recent event where she witnessed a dog attack then the issue will probably be rapidly and easily resolved with EFT. If however she has had this fear for as long as she can remember or ever since she was attacked by a dog when she was 1 or 2 years old then it may be difficult to effectively access and resolve the issue.

In these cases Alpha RePatterning will enable us to safely and comfortably access the unconscious memory from a detached perspective and thoroughly resolve the issue. Alpha RePatterning is an outcome focused process. Your Alpha Repatterning Workshop includes; [/fusion_text] EFT Workshops, Consultations and Training Melbourne. EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT Melbourne, Australia Get The Healing, Clarity, And Peace You Are Seeking, Plus The Inspiration And Confidence To Perform At Your Peak In Any Area Of Life, Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Alpha RePatterning.

EFT Workshops, Consultations and Training Melbourne

And Don’t Just Take Our Word For It , See What The Experts Are Saying… Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a universal healing and self development tool developed by Stamford Engineer Gary Craig, based on impressive new discoveries regarding the body’s subtle energies. Business Coaching Melbourne - Australia. Amaze and Thrill Yourself With What You Are Capable Of Achieving In Record Time…Create Break Through Results FASTER And With LESS EFFORT Using Our Cutting Edge Personal Development Coaching Tools (EFT & NLP) Plus Leading ‘Conventional’ Coaching Methods.

Business Coaching Melbourne - Australia

If you have been looking for breakthrough results in your life or business and are considering the support of a business or life coach, then this could be exactly what you have been looking for. At The Australian Institute of Self Development we are getting clients to experience BREAKTHROUGH results With LESS EFFORT, much FASTER than they could using conventional coaching methods. Our counselling and life coaching services operate on a very deep and profoundly different level to those commonly available. You should expect to achieve remarkable results from our programs because that is what they are designed to achieve, and we guarantee our results. EFT Training with Master Trainer in Melbourne.