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All About Apple iOS 15 Update – Overview and Features. Apple announced its iOS 15, a much-awaited update, in June 2021.

All About Apple iOS 15 Update – Overview and Features

And it has come up with some powerful features that let you stay connected and explore more on the device. Until the launch of this latest update, Apple is going to release the beta versions every other week to identify and fix bugs and collect data from a large group of users. Just to update you, Apple released the iOS 15 beta 3 for developers on 14th July 2021. What Is Health Information System (HIS) & Its Importance? Technological advancement has brought evolution in every sector, making the management process speedy and seamless, serving more people worldwide.

What Is Health Information System (HIS) & Its Importance?

The healthcare sector is no exception. The arena of healthcare informatics, combined with healthcare data, information technology, and business, has gained a huge boost from technology. Health Information System (HIS) is such a technological boon for the health industry, helping the management of healthcare data with utter efficiency. The implementation of this system helps in improving the quality of patient care, reducing operational cost, making administration data error-free and shaping the entire internal management process more organized. If you are new to this industry, this post will help you understand the important features of HIS, what benefits you can get from HIS and how it can make your business activities seamless and profitable.

Updated CPT Codes Elevating Remote Patient Monitoring Systems in 2021. CPT codes, which are used to bill clients for healthcare services in the medical industry.

Updated CPT Codes Elevating Remote Patient Monitoring Systems in 2021

In terms of RMP (remote patient monitoring), this means billing clients for monitoring their health remotely and providing healthcare services. The CPT codes are used for billing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), thereby creating a revenue model for small and medium medical care providers. How to Hire Mobile App Developers for Your Company. Nowadays, having an app for your business is becoming the need of the hour.

How to Hire Mobile App Developers for Your Company

It’s the best way to add more value to your brand alongside engaging customers to buy your products, services, solutions, etc. But, how do you find mobile app developers that have the potential to add tangible value to your business? Currently, there are 26.9 million developers creating digital products for web, mobile, and desktop worldwide. With such wide-ranging choices, how shall you hire mobile app developers that perfectly fit your project requirements? Today’s blog post will clear all your queries related to hiring mobile app developers.

Healthcare Mobile App Development - Mobisoft Infotech. Our expert team of medical app developers, deep domain expertise, and a continuously growing healthcare client base make us an ideal digital healthcare technology partner.

Healthcare Mobile App Development - Mobisoft Infotech

Mobile Consulting Being your digital healthcare technology partner and a top healthcare app development company, we offer expert guidance on healthcare mobility strategy and implementation. Healthcare Mobile App Development - Mobisoft Infotech. HIPAA Compliant Telehealth Platform for Healthcare Providers - Mobisoft Infotech. Medical Appointment Scheduling Software - Improving Patient Appointment Experience. Healthcare Software Development Company - Mobisoft Infotech. Freight Bidding Marketplace Software Solution I Mobisoft Infotech. 8 Key Benefits of Mobile Devices in Healthcare - Mobisoft Infotech. Today’s world revolves around smartphones.

8 Key Benefits of Mobile Devices in Healthcare - Mobisoft Infotech

The advent of comprehensive, user-friendly operating systems like Android and iOS have turned the modest cell phone into a powerful personal device capable of carrying out almost all the tasks an individual asks it to do. The smartphone market has grown by leaps and bounds mainly because of all the useful functions it offers with the help of apps. It is no wonder that worldwide smartphone shipments have reached unprecedented levels of 373.1 million units in Q2 2017. Healthcare mobile app development has become a multi-million dollar industry owing to the massive surge in the demand for smartphones. Online Pharmacy App Development Solution- Mobisoft Infotech. Non-Emergency Medical Transport Software For NEMT Business. White Label Taxi App - Mobisoft Infotech. Rideshare & Carpooling App Development Solution. How Healthcare Providers are Using QR Codes to Enhance Patient Outcomes?

What comes to your mind when we say QR code?

How Healthcare Providers are Using QR Codes to Enhance Patient Outcomes?

You must be thinking about making online payments by scanning a code using a QR code scanner app. But that’s not the only thing QR codes are useful for. Currently, QR codes are being used to quickly access a huge amount of data and information in various industries. Today, we will explore how QR codes are helping healthcare providers to improve their service and enhance patient outcomes. How Healthcare Providers are Using QR Codes to Enhance Patient Outcomes? What Is Health Information System (HIS) & Its Importance? Delivery Done smarter: How Mobile Creates Efficiencies from Order to Delivery. Shopping has been evolving at a colossal scale for the customers over the years, and when it comes to online shopping, we’ve noticed various stages of development and improvement.

Delivery Done smarter: How Mobile Creates Efficiencies from Order to Delivery

The growth of e-commerce has soared around the world and is consistently doing so. It is expected that the market will stand at $200 billion by 2026. The unexpected growth of e-commerce, retail models, and new consumption patterns has greatly impacted business unprecedentedly. Shorter and faster demand cycles create a stronger need for agility and flexibility in e-commerce logistics. The next or same-day order to delivery or even four-hour express delivery options is normal for businesses today. Transforming Last Mile Delivery. Event Transportation Management App I Mobisoft Infotech. Rideshare & Carpooling App Development Solution. How to Optimize Customer Returns Management with the Right Technology? Offering a seamless return experience has become the cornerstone of successfully running a retail business.

How to Optimize Customer Returns Management with the Right Technology?

For companies that completely rely on e-commerce and offer free-of-cost returns, managing higher rates alongside controlling customer returns becomes too difficult. As such, handling outbound logistics is already a major challenge, but if one out of every five dispatched products is returned by the customer, it becomes a more costly and complex operational task. How to Optimize Customer Returns Management with the Right Technology? Transforming Last Mile Delivery. How to Optimize Customer Returns Management with the Right Technology? How to Reduce Employee Transportation Costs Efficiently? Transport cost per employee is variable and the businesses often reflect on the ways to reduce this cost.

How to Reduce Employee Transportation Costs Efficiently?

However, during the pandemic, safety is prioritized above all the measures of planning and execution. In the context of the employee transport management system, multiple steps are being considered by the organizations to maintain the safety of employees as they commute. Due to the minimal availability of public transport, employees tend to request transport to reach the office safely. This is the biggest reason which has increased costs of employees’ transportation.

But, to manage financial workflow, reducing transportation costs has become imperative. Bus Booking Software And Tracking App - Mobisoft Infotech. A Complete Guide to HIPAA Compliant App. Data privacy will continue to be a serious concern. If you are a healthcare app development company or start-up, it is essential to follow the HIPAA compliant app development process. The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act is a protection layer for sensitive information & data centers in the health sector. According to research, data breaches have increased at a capacity of 140% from 2020- 2021. Why Should Companies Use the Golang Programming Language? Finding the perfect programming language isn’t easy, and with new languages constantly emerging, it’s only becoming more complex. Go is another emerging programming language that has gained a lot of popularity since its launch in 2009. Many developers regard Go as the replacement to C and Java because of its simpler syntax and interface.

In addition, it makes writing code easier, making it ideal for new developers. Uber For Tow Trucks App - Roadside Assistance On Demand. Have you ever watched Seinfeld? If yes, then you probably know Cosmo Kramer, a person who is willing to live his life on the edge. The fun fact is that his car never breaks down. But most of us are not always that lucky. How to Reduce Employee Transportation Costs Efficiently?

Custom Software Development Services Company. Transportation and Logistics Solution - Digital Transformation. Uber For Tow Trucks App - Roadside Assistance On Demand. Event Transportation Management App I Mobisoft Infotech. Last-mile Delivery Services Streamlining Delivery Process. With the onset of the pandemic, people have got accustomed to ordering things online and getting them home-delivered. This trend has put intense pressure on the logistics industry; especially the last-mile delivery services.This last-mile delivery, the final stage of transportation, is considered the most critical phase.

It is that stage in the supply chain, in which the package is taken from the warehouse to the customer. Tech advancements like routing optimization algorithms and real-time tracking have been a lifesaver for this phase. The Future of Logistics and Supply Chain Management with AR and VR. The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way people do business. The global supply and logistics businesses have to face an array of challenges to meet customer satisfaction in these tough times of pandemic. However, most businesses are already in recovery mode and have learned lessons from the problems that COVID-19 has caused over the past year.

Those that failed to take action against potential future disruptions were the ones that were most affected. Hire NodeJS Developers. Rendering Efficient Security Guard Management. Rendering Efficient Security Guard Management. White Label Taxi App - Mobisoft Infotech. Digital Scanning Solutions for Air Travel.

Digital Scanning Solutions for Retail. Techniques To Improve Highly In Demand NEMT Business. Top Mobile App Development Company Houston, USA. Why Online Grocery Businesses Need Delivery Management Software? Driver Dispatch App: A Critical Component Of Every Taxi Solution. Why Should You Say Yes to Employee Transport Management System? DevOps service providers. Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution through NEMT Services. Your Guide to Contactless Delivery System- Know How to Implement.

Top 17 Telemedicine Apps to Connect With Your Doctors Online. Advanced Digital Scanning Solution for all Businesses.