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Interactive Marketing Forrester Research. Forrester Research For: You are responsible for developing and implementing digital marketing strategies and programs and evangelizing the value of digital marketing across the organization. Who this role is for: VP of Interactive MarketingVP Digital and Online MediaVP of eMarketing Social StrategistOnline Community Manager Register as a guest to explore the Forrester content that aligns with your professional role. Register Already registered as a client or guest? Insights For Your Key Business Initiatives Forrester guides your decisions with integrated reports, tools, and Playbook research frameworks. Boost customer acquisition and retention with the optimum marketing mix: Select the right marketing services provider: The Email Marketing Playbook Use digital media effectively: View more Playbooks Interactive Marketing Blog View more posts Latest Research For This Role Report: Beyond Marketing: How Mobile Is Transforming McDonald's France Use Mobile As The Catalyst For Digital Transformation.

BackType. Real Time Search - Social Mention. Social Media Search Tool | WhosTalkin? Competitive Intelligence: Purpose & Process | Online Marketing News. Posted by JoannaLord When it comes to marketing your brand online there is just so much to do. We spend our days researching, creating, implementing, and then measuring the success of our efforts. There are dozens of channels to participate in, and obviously thousands of ways to go about marketing your brand, but however you slice it—online marketing comes down to introducing new audiences to your brand, keeping your current brand users happy, and evolving the brand/company itself.

Unfortunately I think the first two steps often overshadow that third step to the process—evolving the brand/company itself, probably because to grow as a company you really need to take a pause and evaluate where you are currently standing. As marketers, the idea of pausing is equated with losing momentum which scares the hell out of us all. This industry moves too quickly, and pausing to reflect on where your brand is compared to your competitors seems like time poorly spent.

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