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Scott Hill

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Make the computer think! - Getting Started with Programming. GeekDesk® Adjustable Height Desks - Home. Combat Sitting Disease and Join the Wellness Uprising! FLATLITE Flexible Electroluminescent Panels, Strip Lamps and Inverters. Light Tape® - Bring your imagination to light! Bitcoin P2P Virtual Currency.


Vehicles: SLS AMG: Gallery. Gluten-Free Trading Company - Gluten Free Foods and Products for Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance. Small Business Advocacy Council. Augmented Reality: Making Life Easier  Here is a taste of what we’ll be seeing at this year`s Mobile World Congress (MWC).

Augmented Reality: Making Life Easier 

This video demos the world`s first integrated markerless 3D object tracking on a smartphone. Or, to you and me, it shows us where Augmented Reality is heading: robust, smooth and useful everyday experiences. This technology is one of the hottest topics for this year`s MWC. In order to see broad adoption of Augmented Vision, improvements will need to be made on performance, experience and usability capabilities. Market forecasts are predicting that the “AR market” could be a $732 million market (Juniper Research) in the next five years and that the worldwide smartphone sales will exceed 1.1 billion by 2013 (Parks Associates). Be Sociable, Share! 3D Tracking, AR, Augmented Reality, Augmented Vision, Mobile, Mobile World Congres, MWC, Smartphone. Home.

Game Dev

HOW TO: Optimize Your Company's LinkedIn Profile. Adam Kleinberg is co-founder and CEO at Traction, an interactive agency that aligns psychology with technology to create ideas that work.

HOW TO: Optimize Your Company's LinkedIn Profile

Look for Traction's LinkedIn page and free toolkit. Catch him tweeting at @adamkleinberg and blogging at Boasting 90 million users, LinkedIn is one of the social media titans. For business professionals, it has become an essential tool for staying connected to their business network. But for companies, there’s been little reason to pay attention to their presence there. In November, LinkedIn quietly introduced an upgrade to LinkedIn Company Pages that makes it both a critical and powerful tool for managing your company’s digital presence (especially if you market B2B). Here’s a primer to help you plan and make the most of some of the powerful new features on LinkedIn Company Pages.

The Basics The basic features have not changed since previous iterations of LinkedIn Company Pages. Products & Services YouTube Videos Recommendations. Creativity Works! -> Landing Page. Firestarter Films Milwaukee's Locally Made Films. Business Excellence Consortium - Course Section Details. MSOE’s Rader School of Business offers graduate courses each term in Wisconsin’s Fox Cities.

Business Excellence Consortium - Course Section Details

The Rader School of Business offers graduate courses each term in Neenah, Wis., at the global headquarters of the Plexus Corporation, 55 Jewelers Park Dr., Neenah, WI 54956. Courses at this convenient location are offered in two formats. As a student you can choose courses that meet one evening per week, during an 11-week academic quarter, or you can choose our blended Internet delivery. Blended courses meet alternating weeks, reducing in-person class time by one half.

The strategic partnership we have with Plexus Corp. allows our students to meet in state-of-the-art conference facilities, with MSOE faculty, at a geographically convenient location. Degrees can be completed on a schedule that works for the student – in as little as 18 – 24 months. Instructors are seasoned faculty with industry experience that provide practical, hands-on learning for adult working professionals.

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Marketing Blogs. Online Business Edu. Join. Sharepoint. Business Impact: The Mobile Enterprise. Web. VIsual Effects. BtoB Marketing.