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Pages - AppointmentBasedNeighborhoodCleanup. Residents of the unincorporated Sacramento County area are provided with one free annual, per calendar year, Appointment Based Neighborhood Cleanup Service for pickup of bulky items. This service helps residents keep their property and neighborhoods free from trash, junk and rubbish accumulation. The Appointment Based Neighborhood Cleanup can be scheduled by contacting Customer Service by email or by calling 916-875-5555; TDD (hearing impaired) 916-875-7105; Toll free 1-800-932-8990 Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You may also visit the Department of Waste Management & Recycling's Neighborhood Services Clean Up website for additional information. When emailing, the next available appointment will be provided via email reply. Within three business days you will receive a Neighborhood Cleanup appointment date. If your SPAM filter is on, the reply may be filtered to your SPAM mail.

When calling in, the next available appointment will be provided to you. CharMarron Peony Gardens. - Live Plants, Flowers, Vegetables, Trees and Shrubs. Mpanion planting guide - The Gardeners Calendar.