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Corpora & concordancers

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Compleat Lexical Tutor. Laurence Anthony's Software. AntConc A freeware concordance program for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux.

Laurence Anthony's Software

The AntConc Homepage (including previous versions, tutorials, and help) AntPConc. BASE (British Academic Spoken English) and BASE Plus Collections. Overview of BASE The British Academic Spoken English (BASE) project took place at the Universities of Warwick and Reading between 2000–2005, under the directorship of Hilary Nesi (Warwick) , with Paul Thompson (Reading).

BASE (British Academic Spoken English) and BASE Plus Collections

Natalie Snodgrass and Sarah Creer were employed as research assistants and Tim Kelly was video producer of the project. Lou Burnard (Oxford University) and Adam Kilgarriff (Lexicography MasterClass Ltd) acted as consultants. The BASE Corpus consists of 160 lectures and 40 seminars recorded in a variety of departments (video-recorded at the University of Warwick and audio-recorded at the University of Reading).