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The Man Who Would Stop Time. Bill Andrews’s feet are so large, he tells me, that back when he was 20 he was able to break the Southern California barefoot-waterskiing distance record the first time he put skin to water. Then he got ambitious and went for the world speed record. When the towrope broke at 80 mph, he says, “they pulled me out of the water on a stretcher.” The soles of the size-15 New Balances that today shelter those impressive feet strike a steady clap-clap on the macadam as Andrews and I lope down a path along the Truckee River that takes us away from the clutter of cut-rate casino hotels, strip malls and highway exit ramps that is downtown Reno, Nevada. Andrews, 59, is a lean 6-foot-3 and wears a close-cropped salt-and-pepper Vandyke and, for today’s outing, a silver running jacket, nicely completing a package that suggests a Right Stuff–era astronaut.

He is in fact one of the better ultramarathoners in America. That would indeed be ironic. Because Andrews does intend to cure aging. Youth Elixir. ‪Synchronisation‬‏ Index to Physics Demonstration Equipment. Index to Physics Notebooks Back to Physics Demonstrations' Home Page Acceleration A+0+0 "Coin and Feather" fall in an evacuated rotatable tube. A+0+5 Timed free fall: Ball drops 2 meters through electronic timing gate. A+0+10 Atwood machine: Unbalanced weights on a pulley accelerate slowly. A+0+15 A falling weight accelerates a car horizontally. A+0+20 Acceleration of a steel ball down an inclined plane with metronome. A+0+22 Inclined airtrack with gliders and timing gates. A+0+23 Inclined airtrack: Cart and ball accelerate in unison.

A+0+25 Cork float accelerometer: Cork and water in sealed flask. A+0+30 A chain dropped onto a force plate. A+0+35 A ball swung on a string held by a sleeve. A+0+40 Conical pendulum: Similar to A+0+35 with standard weights. A+0+45 Loop the loop: Sphere, hoop, disk rolled down a looped track. A+0+47 Swing water in a bucket. A+0+50 Candles rotating about an axis. A+0+55 Mercury and colored water in a rotating glass vessel. A+0+57 Rotating loop of chain rolls across bench. MyPhysicsLab – Physics Simulation with Java.

Synchronizing Clocks. Previous home next PDF Michael Fowler, UVa Physics 2/29/08 Suppose we want to synchronize two clocks that are some distance apart. We could stand beside one of them and look at the other through a telescope, but we’d have to remember in that case that we are seeing the clock as it was when the light left it, and correct accordingly. Another way to be sure the clocks are synchronized, assuming they are both accurate, is to start them together.

How can we do that? We could, for example, attach a photocell to each clock, so when a flash of light reaches the clock, it begins running. If, then, we place a flashbulb at the midpoint of the line joining the two clocks, and flash it, the light flash will take the same time to reach the two clocks, so they will start at the same time, and therefore be synchronized. Let’s look carefully at the clock-synchronizing operation as seen from the ground. Letting tB be the time it takes the flash to reach the back of the train, it is clear from the figure that. Radiation.png (PNG Image, 1134x1333 pixels)