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IMG 2253. Stretches/Exercises to alleviate lower back pain? : Fitness. Test Your Back and Neck Posture Against a Wall. Because we slowly slipped down into this grotesque form. My posture is horrible, and I try to fix it, but it's so damn uncomfortable. There's a guy with a big hunch from bad posture, and I don't want to be him in 20 years.

Because you grew into bad posture, and it's the norm for your body. I was this way too. Ever since childhood, I've had horrible posture. I'm just now trying to correct it, and it's taxing on my back; it feels sore and tired most of the time. Well I guess my question is, whats the point? Posture just seems to be to me a fairly old age thought that doesn't really have any benefits other than conforming to people thinking you should sit nicely... Actually posture improves your breathing and circulation. Easiest way to correct your posture is to just keep your shoulders back for a while. After keeping my shoulders back for a couple years, I just stand up straight without thinking about it. Burning Question: Why Sit Up Straight? ‎

A guide to fixing computer guy posture - upper body : Fitness. Photo Album. Neanderthal No More - Part 1. What you're about to read is some very technical, very geeky stuff, but don't panic if you don't have your kinesiology degree just yet. In the future articles in this series, Eric and Mike will break it all down for you and show you how to fix your posture and improve your physique. For now, take off that poseur trucker hat and put on your thinking cap! Evolution is defined as "a process in which something passes by degrees to a more advanced or mature stage. " Think back to prehistoric times and try to envision your ancestors. You probably have an image conjured up of a Neanderthal wearing a loincloth, grunting at females, killing his own food, and hunching over a fire to stay warm.

His DNA endured century after century, guaranteeing that you're equally hardcore, right? Then again, you wear boxer briefs, utter cheesy pickup lines at every woman you see, hunt for your food at the local Stop 'N Shop, and hunch over a computer all day. First, let's talk about muscular contraction. 1. 1. 1. "Starting Stretching": A flexibility program for beginners : Fitness. How to Ergonomically Optimize Your Workspace. Random bits: If you wear multi-focus glasses (bifocals, progressives), I'd suggest you want the monitor lower than all the standard ergonomic diagrams show. Essentially, you want your neck straight, eyes angled down to look at the monitor through the "close up" part of your glasses. Want a good office chair for not too much money? Try a used office furniture dealer. Basic with mice: gross motions (like across the screen) with the heel of your hand off the desk surface, but when it gets to fine motions (photoshop, whatever), put the heel of your hand down and just use your fingertips.

I personally find trackpads more comfortable, but off to the side, where a mouse would be. Keyboards: at least try a negative tilt (back lower than front). NB: I went through all sorts of keyboards and mice (and desks and monitors and chairs) some years ago as I was starting to get numb fingertips, which is one sign of RSI. How Can I Improve My Posture? Try to use a chair with good support. Adjust it so if fits you. Try to always sit in it so that it supports you - when you sit upright in the chair, the chair back should be supporting some of your weight. My wife and I were recently at staples, looking for a new chair for her. Of all the chairs there, two had good support, and those weren't as adjustable as I'd have liked (I couldn't get either to fit her properly).

We ended up going to a used office furniture place. If you're having trouble getting your employer get you a decent chair, you might phrase the request as 'avoiding repetitive strain injury'. SurWf.