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JavaScript is Assembly Language for the Web: Sematic Markup is Dead! Clean vs. Machine-coded HTML. X-editable :: In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery. Mike Davidson - sIFR. Project - Python Web framework.


StatGen | Tool for Log Parsing, Statistical Analysis, and Perfor. *Note: I have built lots of custom tools over the past few years for doing similar things as this. This was my attempt (summer '06) to create a reusable core for building more extensive tools on top of. I have been using various parts of the code for real work since, but never put together a complete release for distribution. If anyone is interested in the codebase, please contact me. StatGen StatGen is a toolset and API written in Python. Parsing log files running statistical calculations on numeric sequences and time series generating performance graphs How It Works StatGen is built with the following components: Python Microsoft Log Parser 2.2 (win32 binary) Matplotlib (pure python library, has a dependency on python numeric) Scripting With The Python API: Import The StatGen Module To begin working with the API, you need to import the 'statgen' module into your namespace.

Import statgen LogParser Objects This is a pretty lame query; hopefully you are logging something worth analyzing. . #! #! #!


Django. Browser frameworks. Soap. Planet Turbogears. Introducing dabblet: An interactive CSS playground. I loved JSFiddle ever since I first used it. Being able to test something almost instantly and without littering my hard drive opened new possibilities for me. I use it daily for experiments, browser bug testcases, code snippet storage, code sharing and many other things. However, there were always a few things that bugged me: JSFiddle is very JS oriented, as you can tell even from the name itselfJSFiddle is heavily server-side so there’s always at least the lag of an HTTP request every time you make an action. It makes sense not to run JS on every keystroke (JSBin does it and it’s super annoying, even caused me to fall in an infinite loop once) but CSS and HTML could be updated without any such problems.I’m a huge tabs fan, I hate spaces for indenting with a passion.Every time I want to test a considerable amount of CSS3, I need to include -prefix-free as a resource and I can’t save that preference or any other (like “No library”).

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE JSFiddle. Features Examples.