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GWT Components - GWT Component Library  GWT Widget Library. Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language.


Rocket-gwt - Google Code. The Rocket GWT library/framework consists of a number of components that can assist developers get more out of GWT. Note that many of features below are quite old and have been significantly improved and replaced by GWT itself (eg image base64 embedding, templating). One should use the official GWT versions as a first preference. This project is also old and stuck on a much older GWT 1.5.x and thus is not usable as is but rather may be the source of fragments if one wishes to expand and bring some small portion up to date. A variety of modules exist each performing a specialised task. Each module contains many tests that not only make sure it works but also provide a value source of info on how to use the said feature. Each download includes a demo.html (download,unzip and run) page that lists all runnable demos. A bit more info about the Widgets.

Basic widgets - Does everything the equivalent GWT widgets plus also accept Elements from the DOM. Google Web Toolkit Resource Center: Sample Applications and GWT. The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Resource Center is your guide to the online resources for this exciting new technology from Google. Learn how you can use the GWT—a Java software development framework—to simplify development of your AJAX applications. In our Google Web Toolkit Resource Center you'll find: