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EX. Using two 18-volt-screwdrivers as engines, the "EX" accelerates its driver up to 30 km/h. Excentricity is defined as a deviation from what is ordinary or customary. To match this definition we couln´t just modify an existing vehicle but had to start designing something new from scratch. The result is a completely new driving concept: The driver lies headlong on his three-wheeled vehicle and accelerates the "EX" with sprawled out arms up to 30 km/h. Eccentrically is also how the steering works: A specially developed joint tilts the back wheel and leans the driver´s weight dynamically into the curve. The vehicle was built and designed in cooperation with Sebastian Auray, Ruben Faber and Ludolf von Oldershausen. The driver controls the vehicle with brake and gas handles and by tilting the back wheel with its body. The headlong position gives you an exiting driving experience.

Both screwdrivers run in the same direction to get the maximum power out of them. E-Bike kit. Electric Bicycle Conversions. Battery Management and Monitoring Systems BMS. Battery Management Systems (BMS) BMS means different things to different people. To some it is simply Battery Monitoring, keeping a check on the key operational parameters during charging and discharging such as voltages and currents and the battery internal and ambient temperature.

The monitoring circuits would normally provide inputs to protection devices which would generate alarms or disconnect the battery from the load or charger should any of the parameters become out of limits. For the power or plant engineer responsible for standby power who's battery is the last line of defence against a power blackout or a telecommunications network outage BMS means Battery Management Systems. Such systems encompass not only the monitoring and protection of the battery but also methods for keeping it ready to deliver full power when called upon and methods for prolonging its life. This includes everything from controlling the charging regime to planned maintenance. Designing a BMS Power Plant BMS. Linear Technology - Linear Home Page. Portable Power Corp. Tel: 510-525-2328. iGoogle.