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Sean Garvin


WorkSMART - from Secret Santa is a way of organising mystery gifts, so that everyone gets something suited to them, and nobody goes overboard giving loads of presents. Everyone buys a gift (up to a pre-determined maximum value) for someone else on the list, but nobody knows who it was that bought the gift they received. You can use this tool to set up a Secret Santa list of your own, and it will anonymously pair everyone with a gift recipient, and email them who to buy for.

To create a Secret Santa list you need to be logged in, and you'll need to return to this page to check when all your list members have confirmed and you're ready to start matching them up. Get started: Nverting to a single speed. Singlespeed Bicycle Conversions by Sheldon Brown. Singlespeed Bicycle Conversions More and more cyclists are discovering the joys of simple, one-speed bicycles. Many cyclists are rebelling against the excessive complication, fragility and weight of current mountain bikes.

Why ride a Singlespeed? Modern 24-27 speed bikes are marvels of technology, and allow a cyclist to select the gear ratio that will make the most efficient use of his/her energy. If what you're after is getting the maximum possible speed/distance for the minimum effort (and there's nothing wrong with that!) You need a multi-speed bike...but, efficiency isn't everything! If you're riding for sheer pleasure, or for exercise, you don't necessarily place that high a premium on output results, as measured in speed, distance or vertical climb. Riding a singlespeed can help bring back the unfettered joy you experienced riding your bike as a child.

Paradoxically, a singlespeed is, in another sense, more efficient than a multispeed bike! Singlespeed vs Fixed Gear Flip-flop Hubs. Dmr Single Speed Conversion Kit. Truvativ isoflow single speed - Google Product Search. Truvativ Isoflow Single Speed Chainset | Buy Online | ChainReact. Gear Calculator For Fixed Wheel Bicycles. In Version 2.2 onwards of the bicycle gear calculator there is a new separate pop up gear calculator that has been specifically tailored for the needs of single speed fixed wheel bicycle riders.

If you are attempting to optimise your derailleur gears then your needs have always been very well catered for by the existing functionality of GearCalc Pro and the following information will not be of interest to you. If however you are a super hard macho cyclist looking to optimise a fixed wheel bike for a world record attempt or track race around the local velodrome then read on.

This little calculator was designed specifically to cater for your needs 8-) GearCalc Pro generates a list of all possible gearing combinations that fall within user defined ranges of ratios and sprocket teeth. The display can be divided into two main areas. Fixed Wheel GearCalc Pro Output GearCalc Pro's output is the table of numbers shown on the right side of the illustration above.

Fixed Wheel GearCalc Pro Control. Cyclesurgery. CycleSurgery - Cycling Sorted.