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1.414: every quilter’s magic number. Numbers.

1.414: every quilter’s magic number

I confess a love/hate relationship with them. They are so unyielding; so absolute. The mathematic principles that decree my checkbook should balance refuse to yield to my creative genius. I usually get three different totals when I add up my withdrawals and subtract them from the deposits. And do any of my numbers match the bank’s? That’s because 1.414 is the number they never told me about in that long-ago and best-forgotten geometry class. Say what? You are a quilter. I find the 1.414 magic number really empowering. Multiply the diagonal measurement of a block by the number of blocks set point to point to calculate the width and length of the quilt center. You can also use the magic of 1.414 to find out how to calculate setting triangles for your on-point blocks. Quilt Labels. Free Pattern-"Feel the Love" Valentine Wall Hanging! - The Sassy Quilter. Do you Feel the Love?

Free Pattern-"Feel the Love" Valentine Wall Hanging! - The Sassy Quilter

All the hearts and valentine projects I have been seeing here in the blogosphere inspired me to come up with a quick project that I could get done this weekend. I came up with this free pattern for a Valentine Wall Hanging called “Feel the Love”. Here is a quick tutorial! Fabric needed: a layer cake or (10-12) 10″ squares and 1/2 yd of background fabric. I used a layer cake of Twice as Nice by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake Designs. Cut into 1.5″ strips. Sew your strips into strip sets of 6 each. Cut a 3.5″ strip and set aside, we are not using this portion. Here is a close up of the 45 degree line running along the center seam of your strip set. Trim along all four sides of your ruler. Now, this is just the way I did this…so no judging:) Take 4 of your blocks and using your seam ripper, rip out the center seam.

Using your background fabric, cut (4) 5″squares and (2) 4.5″ squares. Line your stitching up with the 1/4″ line on your ruler and trim the excess. Quilt Pattern Spotlight: Double Nine Patch.

Project Linus Blankets (quilts)

August 16 - Featured Quilts on 24 Blocks. BERNINA-JustSEWIt-ButtonCollectorQuilt.pdf. How to "quilt as you go"! Labels. How to Make a Quilt Label with Unique Ideas! - Label Label Label!!! How important is labeling your quilt?

Label Label Label!!!

I can’t say it enough. As a passionate lover of antique and vintage quilts, how often I come upon a beloved quilt in my travels with “maker unknown” attached to the price tag or the display information ---who were these unknown quilt makers? While here at my Dad’s we started talking about things we remember. He’s got a quilt I made him over 20 years ago. HUGE variable stars –I recognize scraps in it from early early on in my quilting life – some of them being from clothing I made when I was first dating The Hubster – so I can safely say this quilt is between 1985 and 1990.

It’s not a great quilt. There is no label on this quilt. I have three quilts that have come down from my Grandmother’s side of the family --- and when she gave them to me, even SHE didn’t remember at the time who made them, whether it was her grandmother, her aunt or whoever ---within just a couple generations the history is lost. So here I am with some label ideas for you! How to Sandwich a Large Quilt on a Small Table.

July 23 - Featured Quilts on 24 Blocks. July 23 - Featured Quilts on 24 Blocks from: Susie Jones-Szoldra: "I called this one "my happy place!

July 23 - Featured Quilts on 24 Blocks

". I made it for my sister " July 23 - Featured Quilts on 24 Blocks. Just a Few of the Brights We love. Just a Few of the Brights We love We always love seeing quilts that are bold and bright.

Just a Few of the Brights We love

Maybe it was growing up with an antique crazy quilt full of velvets and silks spread over an old parlor love seat. Maybe it's a summer's yearning for old lipstick shades or the colors of garden flowers in the evening or the allure of the colors of the old Pick-up-Stix. Here are three we've selected for your evening's quilt inspiration. We'd like to thank Sally, Susie and Patty for sharing them with our 24 Blocks quilting community. from: Patty Johnson: "My wool quilt with embroidery stitches on the seams Isn't it amazing how quilts like Patty's can span centuries? From: Susie Jones-Szoldra: "Close up of My Happy Place quilt. We love the garden theme Susie used and the off-center layouts of the BQ2 quilts. We love how the block pattern in Sally's quilt is echoed in the background. How to Make a Necktie Quilt.

How to Make a Necktie Quilt Want to tie something special into your next quilt?

How to Make a Necktie Quilt

How about, well, ties? They can make beautiful patterns and are perfect for making memory quilts if someone has a bunch of old neckties. Whether you use some old neckties or purchase a handful from the thrift store, the patterns add a unique element to any quilt. We’ve got a few tips to keep in mind while you’re making your masterpiece, which will definitely stand out! Choose ties strategically.Depending on how you’re using them – you could use them to make string blocks or arrange them in a circle as a large centerpiece – you might want to make sure the ties are the same size and similar fabric. Photo credit: Another by Anita. July 21 - Featured Quilts on 24 Blocks. Quilt & Patchwork Pattern Maker. Quilters' Guild of North Dakota.