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The beauty of pollination - YouTube. Carl Schoonover: How to look inside the brain. Eternal Sunshine Drug Makes a Rat Forget Bad Things [Video] Working at Scientific American, known for its spiffy technical illustrations, I always look for material that can show what an article is trying to tell. I’ve never found a better example than this video(below) of a rat fed a drug that wipes out its long-term memory, and which bears a real-life resemblance to the scenario depicted in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The opening paragraphs of the article by Jerry Adler, called “Erasing Painful Memories.” Serves as a running narrative to the video. I’ve included them here: The rat is on a carousel with clear plastic sides, rotating slowly in a small room. As it looks out through the plastic, it sees markings on the walls of the room from which it can determine its position. At a certain location it receives a foot shock—or, in experimenters’ jargon, a negative reinforcement.

Question: How do you get the rat to stop walking? He avoids those circumstances when he can. Poster : Harnessing the immune system to combat cancer. Steven Benner at the 2012 DOE JGI Genomics of Energy & Environment Meeting.