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Plague. Interactive Map Quiz. The Middle Ages for Kids - Charlemagne. Charlemagne was one of Medieval Europe's most famous Kings. He became king of the Franks in 768 CE, when his father died. He inherited his kingdom from his father, Pepin the Short, who had inherited from his grandfather, Charles Martel, also known as Charles the Hammer.

Pepin and Charles Martel were good kings, but Charlemagne was far more. He was over 6 feet tall, with long blonde hair that seemed to glow in the sun. Charlemagne always led his troops into battle. Expansion: The Franks were a great warrior tribe. Charlemagne means Charles the Great and he certainly was. Trial by Ordeal / Trial by Jury: One of the most important things Charlemagne did for his people was do away with the old system of trial by ordeal and replaced it with trial by jury in place of trial by ordeal. Education & Preservation: Another change Charlemagne introduced was his learning center at his main castle. Standardized Money: Each count appointed tax collectors to collect the yearly taxes.

Explore Pope Adrian. My Audio School » Middle Ages Literature. Stories of Beowulf Told to the Children by H. E. Marshall Download as a zipped file Internet archive page. Subscribe in iTunes To read the text yourself, click here. Click here to see a selection of downloadable curriculum resources from CurrClick which could be used in a study of Beowulf. Total running time: 1 hour, 56 minutes To hear this book, click play in the box below or click on the chapter titles.Preface: About this book Chapter 1, How Grendel the Ogre Warred with the Dane Folk Chapter 2, How Beowulf the Goth came to Daneland Chapter 3, Beowulf Telleth How He Warred with the Sea Folk Chapter 4, How Beowulf Overcame Grendel the Ogre Chapter 5, How the Water Witch Warred with the Dane Folk Chapter 6, How Beowulf Overcame the Water Witch Chapter 7, How Beowulf Returned to his Own Land Chapter 8, How the Fire Dragon warred with the Goth FolkChapter 9, How Beowulf Overcame the Dragon Chapter 10, Beowulf’s Last Rest Posted 4 years, 9 months ago. 1 comment St.

St. Posted 4 years, 10 months ago. Medieval and Middle Ages History Timelines for kids and adults. Kings, Queens and Castles Unit Study - Medieval times, medieval history, middle ages unit study, castles, knights unit study. Medieval History Lapbook. In January I posted an overview of the 10-week Medieval History class I was teaching for our homeschool co-op, thinking someone might benefit from my outline. Boy, was I right! Obviously lots of people are interested in information on this topic, based on the consistent number of hits that post receives.

One commenter asked if I could show pictures of the lapbook we made. We wrapped up our 10-week session with a medieval feast last week and everyone took home their completed lapbooks, so I am now able to comply with that request! The outside of the lapbook is constructed of file folders. Here is one view of the inside of the book. The timeline is comprised of images and descriptions, plus dates on the outside of each flap: The code of honor was glued beneath the timeline and each child wrote their own personal code. Opening the middle reveals another section, which includes a stained glass picture of a knight (from this Dover coloring book) and a personal coat of arms: 86.03.03: Medieval Life: Squires, Maidens and Peasants. Introduction Any period of history is modern to the people who are living at the time. To the kings and serfs of the Middle Ages, their period was modern because they were living it. For us, it seems so long ago; an age remembered in textbooks, museums, and in the ruins of castles.

Yet their past is our past. The Medieval period and its civilization did not appear all at once but developed slowly during the decline of the Roman Empire. As life in Western Europes communities became isolated, trade declined, roads and cities decayed, and a unified authority was shattered. Feudalism. . . .Part One. Without the Roman legions and a central authority to protect communities, people had to depend upon themselves for military defense. Feudalism thus evolved as a system or organization in Medieval society.

A man became a vassal by kneeling before the lord and placing his hands between those of his superior; he would swear fealty to the lord as long as he lived. The Squires Tale Chivalry. Middle Ages Study & Lapbook.