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Parent-Teacher Conferences WITHOUT Report Cards - Finding Common Ground. Report cards have long been the focal point of the first parent-teacher conference of the school year.

Parent-Teacher Conferences WITHOUT Report Cards - Finding Common Ground

In the mind of the teacher, as well as the parent, it always made sense to have the report card sitting front and center as they discussed the academic progress of a child. However, instead of making grading the focus of the conversation, many school districts are making the student the center of attention by having parent teacher conferences without the report card. Over the past few years some school districts, including the one where I am a principal, are taking a new approach to parent-teacher conferences by leaving the report card out of the conversation. To some educators this may sound like an odd way to approach parent-teacher conferences but there are more benefits than drawbacks. School districts are trying to focus on student work, portfolios and social emotional issues. What Do We Discuss? I realize that not all report cards provide bad news.

Setting up Google Sync with your iOS device - Google Mobile Help. Cet article est destiné aux utilisateurs de Google Apps for Business, Google Apps for Education et Google Apps for Government.

Setting up Google Sync with your iOS device - Google Mobile Help

Les autres utilisateurs trouveront des instructions pour synchroniser leur appareil iOS dans les articles relatifs à Gmail, Google Agenda et Google Contacts. En savoir plus Pour configurer Google Sync sur votre iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch, suivez la procédure ci-après. Configuration requise et sauvegarde de données Google Sync n'est compatible qu'avec les versions 3.0 et ultérieures d'Apple iOS.

Premiers pas 1. Saisir les informations de compte 5. 6. 6. Configurer la fonctionnalité "Envoyer des e-mails en tant que" Les utilisateurs de Gmail et de Google Apps ont la possibilité d'envoyer des messages avec une adresse d'expédition personnalisée via le navigateur Web de leur appareil iOS ou de leur ordinateur. Connectez-vous à Gmail via le navigateur Web. Sur votre appareil iOS, accédez au site Supprimer un message. Teaching English in the Digital Age - FRAMEWORK FOR DIGITAL LEARNING.

Flipping the Classroom – Is it Really all About Technology? Los Gatos High School, located in Los Gatos, California, recently switched to block scheduling, effectively decreasing the number of school days by 15 a year.

Flipping the Classroom – Is it Really all About Technology?

For science teacher, Steve Hammack, what began as a way to provide students with the lecture content they would necessarily need to pass his courses in the face of a decreased number of school days, has ended up as a new model for students to learn massive amounts of information for his AP Biology and Physics classes. For a technology fan who spends her days at Cisco Systems focused on educators who are using technology to improve learning outcomes, I was intrigued. I quickly became aware of Mr. Hammack’s approach when I walked into my teenage son’s bedraggled bedroom and heard a familiar voice emanating from the direction of his PC. It sounded like someone I’d met at back-to-school night. Joe said that all of Mr. I decided to dig a little deeper.

“And then there’s something called ‘The Testing Effect,’” he continued.