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Broderie de NetMadame : Hardanger, lancez-vous! Exercez-vous : Pour réaliser notre sampler, il faut une toile de 54 fils de large X 180 fils de haut (la mesure en centimètres dépend de la grosseur de votre toile).

Broderie de NetMadame : Hardanger, lancez-vous!

C'est un petit morceau, que vous trouverez facilement dans vos restes. Par sécurité, marquez au crayon sur la toile le tracé final, mais coupez quelques centimètres plus large, car tant que les bords ne sont pas bordés au point de feston, ils vont s'effilocher et finalement votre sampler risque d'être trop étroit! Le motif des 16 fenêtres que nous vous donnons ici est le premier à réaliser : il mesure exactement 40 fils de large sur 40 fils de haut. La Broderie Blanche 1° partie. Mother’s Day DIY Flowers ~ Kids Craft Ideas. With Mother’s Day right around the corner I wanted to share this paper flower craft.

Mother’s Day DIY Flowers ~ Kids Craft Ideas

I made these with my little girls and they loved them! You will need Patterned scrapbook paper (double sided is best) for 5 circles and a baseGlue Buttonstraw or chop stick ( to use as your flower stem)Circle punch ( I used the 1 1/4 in circle punch) or something round to trace so you can out out circles You will need to punch out 5 circles out of patterned paper and one larger circle to glue the petals too. The fun thing about these flowers is you can make them all sizes, big or small.. they are cute all sizes! Fold you circle in half, then open it back up. Aurelle. Circle Zip Earbud Pouch Tutorial - Dog Under My Desk.

I use a little zippered pouch to carry around my earbuds since they are the fancy microphone ones and I don’t want them to break or get tangled.

Circle Zip Earbud Pouch Tutorial - Dog Under My Desk

Some of you have commented that you are looking for some small, simple gift ideas. This is definitely simple to make, and a little more fun than the typical rectangular zippered pouch! I can see these as the perfect gift for teenage cousins or nieces or girlfriends or even teacher gifts. Fun, quick, and cute! It doesn’t take very much fabric so you could even use scraps! UPDATE: I have completely re-written this tutorial with twice as many bright, clear photos and more detailed instructions and it is available as a pattern in my pattern shop. First, download the pattern template HERE.



Berlingot. Sacs & pochettes. Tutos de tout. Couture : idées originales de rangement ! Une plaque de bois à l'éffigie de vos initiales agrémentée de quelques tiges en fer et voila une étagère originale pour stocker vos bobines de fils..

Couture : idées originales de rangement !

Source : Pinterest - Idées à coudre ! Une boîte ou valise en tissu agrémentée de quelques ouvertures et le tour est joué pour stocker et dérouler facilement vos rubans de tissu. Une vieille étagère à épices peut vous servir pour stocker vos boutons, servez vous de jolis bocaux pour donner du style à votre étagère. Une vieille valise et voilà une boîte à couture originale pour ranger tous vos accessoires façon boîte à outils, aussi sympa pour stocker vos chutes de tissu. Photos du journal. Macaron Coin Purse. Just can’t help for not sewing these sweet little macaron coin purses when one of Craft Passion’s Facebook fans showed them to me.

Macaron Coin Purse

Thanks to XYZZhandmade for her inspiring handmade and some tutorial links in Japanese, this, this, this and this. No, I can’t read Japanese but I can guess from the pictures on how to sew it. Here is the English version of tutorial on how to sew this macaron coin purse where I have added more details in the sewing. The space inside the coin purse is quite limited but good enough to place some small jewelries like ear rings, rings; may be to keep some small coins, folded money; a place to keep small piece of note that wrote your shopping list and reminder etc.

Or, simply use it as a key chain or hanging ornament. I have tried both nylon and metal zipper, each gave different feel and effect on the macaron coin purse. 7 créations à faire avec des restes de tissu. Ici de jolies pochettes qui font office d'étuis pour ranger toutes ses cartes.

7 créations à faire avec des restes de tissu

End of Summer Wristlet. Like most girls I have a weakness for purses.

End of Summer Wristlet

I love everything from the Mary-Poppins-you-can-fit-a-coat-rack-in-here bags to little bags that barely fit a lipstick and my phone, and everything in between. It’s so fun to have a few cute bags that you can change out to freshen up an outfit with. That’s just what I had in mind for this little wristlet. It’s not a huge kitchen sink kind of purse – but it’s perfect for a quick trip to the store or out to the movies on a date night. Simple Sewing Companion - Miscellaneous (intermediate) Dresden petal handbag - a tutorial. Have a lot of really sweet scraps lying around?

dresden petal handbag - a tutorial

I do!! I could barely sleep last night because this little bag design was in my head. Isn't it fabulous? For you, my sewing buddies, I decided to give you an early Christmas gift & make the pattern & tutorial available here! This one's picture heavy, but I promise, it's worth it! Here's the only pattern piece, a modified Dresden petal. I used 7 different fat quarter scraps, (cut 2 of each) but you could certainly use fewer. A Purse Thingy. So, how was your weekend?

A Purse Thingy

Mine was fun, but exhausting. I decided to go and visit TheSecondChild on Saturday. Scrap-your-stash-guest-post-living-with. *This tutorial was originally posted over on Living with Punks!


She’s doing a Scrap Your Stash series right now and there have been some awesome tutorials using scraps, with many more to come! Summer Sunglasses Case. Summer is here!! We need something cute, am I right?? While me and the hubby were out today having breakfast with little Sophia, I complained about how I was getting old and wrinkled from squinting in the sun. All in all this led to a trip over to get some new sunglasses this morning. It was nice to have the hubby there so that he could let me know what looked best on me. After realizing that they probably wouldn't last long with my clutzy behavior, I decided to make a little case for them. The Crafty Cupboard: How-To: Business Card Holder. With the Creative Estates coming up soon (as in, next weekend!) , I thought I’d get on the ball and have something to hold my “business” cards while I am there.

Here’s how I made mine:You Need:2 fabric pieces cut 5 1/2” x 4 1/2” (one will be lining, one the outside. You can do the same fabric for both, or different fabric to mix things up)2 fabric pieces cut 2 1/2” x 4 1/2”1 fusible fleece piece cut 5 1/2” x 4 1/2”Small hair elastic (I used my daughter’s) – not pictured (Warning: lots of pictures ahead. I had a hard time finding “white” on my camera today, so, just forgive me.) Faire un sac avec un vieux jean... - Le monde de tissuline. Jeudi 29 avril 2010 4 29 /04 /Avr /2010 21:42 "Lorsque les jambes d'un jean sont usées mais les coutures encore en bon état, vous pouvez transformer le pantalon en un sac original.

Il vous suffit de couper les jambes et de coudre pour fermer le tout.