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R/atheism. The New Atheism. Secular Student Alliance: Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics & Others | Freedom From Religion Foundation. Dawkins Website. Sam Harris. Why Atheism? Just about everyone is an atheist when it comes to other gods — the gods that other people believe in or that nobody believes in anymore. I’m an atheist about all gods because there's no reliable evidence for any god, or even for Jesus. There is also extensive evidence that Jesus and all gods are fictional characters — myths created mainly by people who had little understanding of how our universe operates.

We all like myths and other stories, but we don't have to believe them. Let’s start with a quick experiment. You can grab three coins and actually do the experiment, or just do a thought experiment. Drop one coin and watch it fall. Do this again. If you were to the release third coin, what do you think would happen? Our understanding of the world around us, and our abilities to predict what will happen are based on naturalism — the basis of science. To be explicit, modern science relies on methodological naturalism. Dr. OK, let’s do another experiment. Galileo and Empirical Science. TalkOrigins. Iron Chariots. Atheists Know More About Religion Than the Pious. Atheists Know More About Religion Than the Pious Posted on Sep 28, 2010 Well, this is awkward. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life undertook a study in which nonbelievers correctly answered more religious knowledge questions than the devout.

Mormons and Jews also scored well and, like atheists, know more about Christianity than Christians. Here are some of Pew’s surprising findings: More than four-in-ten Catholics in the United States (45%) do not know that their church teaches that the bread and wine used in Communion do not merely symbolize but actually become the body and blood of Christ.

About half of Protestants (53%) cannot correctly identify Martin Luther as the person whose writings and actions inspired the Protestant Reformation, which made their religion a separate branch of Christianity. More Below the Ad New and Improved Comments If you have trouble leaving a comment, review this help page. Dunning–Kruger effect. Cognitive bias about one's own skill The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. Some researchers also include the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills. In popular culture, the Dunning–Kruger effect is often misunderstood as a claim about general overconfidence of people with low intelligence instead of specific overconfidence of people unskilled at a particular task.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is usually measured by comparing self-assessment with objective performance. For example, participants may take a quiz and estimate their performance afterward, which is then compared to their actual results. There are disagreements about what causes the Dunning–Kruger effect. There are disagreements about the Dunning–Kruger effect's magnitude and practical consequences. Definition[edit] David Dunning Measurement, analysis, and investigated tasks[edit] [edit] Debates: Religion: Statements. Agnosticism / Atheism - Skepticism & Atheism for Atheists & Agnostics. Pharyngula.