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Gardening, plants, orchids

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Attracting Hummingbirds. One good way to enjoy the company of hummingbirds is planting a hummingbird garden. In addition to providing them a natural diet, a hummer garden is an excellent way to attract birds to your nearby feeder: since hummingbirds feed by sight on regularly-followed routes - called traplining - their inquisitive nature will quickly lead them to investigate any possible new source of food. A hummer garden is also a great way to capture the birds on film or video, and makes a much nicer backdrop for your photos than the typical plastic feeder.

If you plan carefully and select a variety of plants that flower at successively later dates, you will be rewarded with happy hummers throughout the season. Using pesticides around hummingbird plants is a very bad idea. Killing garden pests will also eliminate the small insects hummingbirds rely upon for protein. In addition, hummers might directly ingest pesticides sprayed onto flowers, which could sicken or kill the birds. Trees and Shrubs Vines Flowers. Attracting Hummingbirds. ABS - Growing Bamboo Indoors. This article appears in the booklet, Landscaping Indoors, Bringing the Garden Inside, #165. Published by the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, ISBN 1-889538-18-3, and sells for $9.95. by Susanne Lucas Imagine yourself enclosed deep within a bamboo grove, a “living room” of green, with walls enveloping but breathing, the ceiling a cathedral of vertical stems stretching to the heavens above, the shadows delicate and swaying. You feel quiet and contemplative and calm, protected.

Flowering of some species occurs only once in a hundred years, while other species bloom annually or only sporadically. The term bamboo refers to plants of the large subfamily of Bambusoideae within the family Gramineae (Poaceae). Bamboos are forest grasses, and their life cycle, structure, ecology, and management must be understood within this context. When growing bamboo in containers, it is important to use a pot with adequate room for these fast-growing plants.

For tall species - For medium height species - Starting Vegetable Seeds in a Greenhouse. GLOS HomePage. Arrowhead Alpines, Mail Order and Retail Nursery, Rare and Unusual Plants.