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Corner Articles. A few terms and abbreviations will be used throughout this document. UML Specification This refers to the latest version of the UML API which is based on the UML 2.1.1 specification defined by OMG. The latest draft of the UML Superstructure Specification can be found at: There are two main benefits in familiarizing yourself with UML templates: firstly, you can express and communicate your ideas more accurately, and secondly, code generated via conversion through Ecore will result in generically specified Java. Through a series of examples, this article attempts to explain how templates in UML map to generics in Ecore and Java. Some concepts involving generics in UML do not map directly to Java (or Ecore). Consider template bindings for example: template bindings are constructs that do not explicitly exist in Java (or Ecore).

The mapping from UML to Ecore as implemented in the UML2 2.1 API is intended to be a lossless conversion. Visually Java Ecore. Database Design - Introduction. Please note: This site is no longer maintained. The latest version is now edited by Prof. Alvaro Monge, located on the CSULB Web site. This third edition of dbDesign is a general update, both to meet legal requirements for U.S. “Section 508” accessibility and to bring the code into compliance with the latest World Wide Web Consortium standards. In the process, I've tried to make the SQL examples as generic as possible, although you will still have to consult the documentation for your own database system.

Graphics no longer require the SVG plugin; large-image and text-only views of each graphic are provided for all readers; the menu is now arranged by topic areas; and the print version (minus left-side navigation) is done automatically by a style sheet. The second edition was largely motivated by the very helpful comments of Prof. The original site was the outgrowth of a previous book project, Practical Relational Database Design, by Wayne Dick and Tom Jewett. Objects by Design: UML Modeling Tools.

MagicDraw UML from No Magic. Open Solution Company: UML for Eclipse and BPMN designer.