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Markus Helfert. |||||||||||||||| ER2CWM |||||||||||||||| Common Warehouse Metamodel Developers Guide. Common Warehouse Metamodel Developers Guide. Authors [bios] Common Warehouse Metamodel Developer's Guide is a comprehensive, pragmatic, and relatively self-contained guide to implementing meta data interchange solutions based on CWM. The book begins with an overview of CWM's basic architecture, and an introduction to the model-based approach to developing meta data interchange solutions, using CWM as the formal modeling language. An introduction to the theory and methodology of applying meta data interchange patterns is then presented as a means of enhancing the overall interoperability and understandability of models exchanged by tools. Then, three vertical domain models based on CWM are presented as detailed examples of using CWM to solve meta data interchange in specific application areas.

These consist of a data warehouse management model, a dimensional model with multiple deployments, and a web-enabled data warehousing model. Common Warehouse Metamodel: An Introduction to the Standard for. Authors [bios] John Poole Dan Chang Doug Tolbert David Mellor Common Warehouse Metamodel: An Introduction to the Standard for Data Warehouse Integration provides a single, coherent, and comprehensive overview of the OMG's Common Warehouse Metamodel that is easy to read. This companion Web site provides readers with update-to-date information on the evolution of the CWM standard, links to vendors of CWM-enabled software products, links to development tools for implementing CWM solutions, industry events, breaking news, and pointers to additional sources of information on CWM and related standards. Erp4it: "Universal Meta Data Models" - review of Marco. I want to emphasize that my perspective is from the overall IT portfolio and service management side.

I'm not going to discuss the data metadata problem in depth: databases, data models, data dictionaries, etc, as I consider this area essentially a solved problem -- more below. From the IT service management (ITSM)perspective, the book strongly reinforces my core argument that metadata and ITSM are converging. Substantial coverage is given to the IT portfolio side of metadata, including hardware and software management. Metadata has never been just "data about data," as this book makes quite clear. Some of the most interesting material in the book is the material relating to industry-leading metadata organizations at Allstate and RBC Financial. I recommend this volume to the ITSM community for these in particular. But the book stops short of fully embracing the real challenge of IT service management. (However, there is a good discussion of data stewardship from a process perspective.) Common Warehouse Metamodel in EMF.

MDK : Model Development Kit — Kermeta. Common Warehouse Metamodel Metadata Interchange Patterns Sample. Common Warehouse Metamodel. The Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) defines a specification for modeling metadata for relational, non-relational, multi-dimensional, and most other objects found in a data warehousing environment. The specification is released and owned by the Object Management Group, which also claims a trademark in the use of "CWM".[1] By year 2011 the active version of the CWM specification is v1.1 with a supplementary specification, Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) Metadata Interchange Patterns (MIP), which further refines the requirements for tools to inter-operate smoothly.

Overview[edit] The Common Warehouse Metamodel specifies interfaces that can be used to enable interchange of warehouse and business intelligence metadata between warehouse tools, warehouse platforms and warehouse metadata repositories in distributed heterogeneous environments. CWM models enable users to trace the lineage of data – CWM provides objects that describe where the data came from and when and how the data was created. Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) The Common Warehouse metamodel (CWM) specifies interfaces that can be used to enable easy interchange of warehouse and business intelligence metadata between warehouse tools, warehouse platforms and warehouse metadata repositories in distributed heterogeneous environments. CWM is based on three standards: UML - Unified Modeling Language, an OMG modeling standard MOF - Meta Object Facility, an OMG metamodeling and metadata repository standard XMI - XML Metadata Interchange, an OMG metadata interchange standard The UML standard defines an object-oriented modeling language that is supported by a range of graphical design tools.

The MOF standard defines an extensible framework for defining models for metadata, and providing tools with programmatic interfaces to store and access metadata in a repository. The XMI standard allows metadata to be interchanged as streams or files with a standard format based on XML. Key aspects of the architecture include: Organization: Object Management Group.