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Wikis, blogs, teacher sites

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FLE. The App Directory. Fiches pédagogiques. Languages - Le Mensuel. Français-mon-amour. Charivari à l'école - Ressources pour les profs des écoles. A Level French. Les instits sur le net. Insuf-FLE... Fabfrenchstuff. Le Café du FLE. BRAUD FrenchIBTeachers - Voyages - Évasion. Le travail. La justice. L'amour - L'amitié. Les discriminations. La mort. L'argent. Les sports. La nourriture. L'environnement. L’éducation. La santé. La francophonie. L’émigration.

Paris. La Guerre. Rachel Hawkes. Allisonhawryliw. Epoustoufranc.wikispaces. Mme Chance's French Page - Page d'acceuil pour toutes les classes de français de Mme Chance. Ms. Cheniaux. Chez Renee. ScreenChomp for iPad2 is fast becoming one of my favorite apps to use in French class.

Chez Renee

This app is basically a white board that students can draw on, but they can also import photos, AND they can record their voices! Here's an example of how I used it in 3rd year French. Students had been reading and studying a short story (a chapter from Le Petit Nicolas called les cow-boys). In the past, one of the activities I've done to help students review the story was to divide them into groups and ask them to act out a scene from the story for the class with costumes & props. This year, I divided the class into groups as usual, and then I asked them to create a "freeze frame" of the action happening at that point in the story. I'm asking myself if this was better than just acting the scenes out for the class as we'd done in the past. GABFLE. Learn French. Langwitches Blog.

The conversation about visible thinking in Math started with one of our teachers at Graded, The American School of São Paulo, Adam Hancock, wanting to know how he could incorporate having students’ use their blogfolios in Math class.

Langwitches Blog

It seemed natural to have students write for Humanities (Language Arts and Social Studies), but writing did not seem part of what Middle School Math was about. How could “blogging” go beyond taking a digital image of a Math problem on paper or a quiz and writing about ”how the student felt about solving the problem or passing the test?” Or ask themselves what they could have done better? One of the first steps was to bring more “language” into the Math classroom. In a Skype call with Heidi Hayes Jacobs, she said that Math should be taught more like a foreign language. Students need to know vocabulary words and become fluent in “speaking Math”, in order to be able to communicate their thoughts and ideas. Google Glass- Math Equation from langwitches on Vimeo. Mme M's FrancoBlog ! Insuf-fle! Learn French With Alexa. Mme Hewitt. Daniele geffroy Sites conseillés. Mmeperkins delicious. AATFS of California. Bien chers collègues, Voilà une autre année qui s’achève et dont le calendrier de l’AATF-SC a été encore une fois bien rempli. l’équipe AATF-SC et moi-même tenons à remercier: les professeurs pour leur travail assidû quant au Grand Concours, tous les élèves pour leur participation et leur performance ainsi que Monsieur l’Attaché Culturel Etienne Ferreyre.

AATFS of California

La remise des prix à Flintridge Prep HS a été un grand succès et c’est avec plaisir que nous vous reverrons l’année prochaine. Concernant les concours, cette année nous avons eu le plaisir d’en inaugurer un tout nouveau: le concours “Sandy Jacquard”. Celui-ci est pédagogique et il est destiné aux enseignants. Nous vous encourageons donc à nous faire partager une leçon sur la Francophonie ou sur un point de grammaire ou autre qui vous semble intéressant : un diplôme et une chèque de $100 sont remis à notre gagnant ou gagnante. Merci beaucoup Guy pour ces ressources, pour ce travail et cette recherche incommensurable. LHSFrenchdevoirs - home. Monsieur Weiss: The Learning Community. Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education. Here are some platforms where you can start your wiki for free.

Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education

They are among the best available for teachers : 1- Wikispaces : This is a free wiki host providing community wiki spaces, visual page editing, and discussion areas. It is my favourite platform and it is the first one I would recommend you try for your class. 2- PBworks This is another great wiki hosting platform that lets anyone sign up and create a new wiki but the free version is ad-supported. Examples of Educational Wikis. Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education. BBC Languages. Les sites didactiques de FLE.

Flipping a language classroom : Tech ELT Blog. Posted on | May 20, 2013 | No Comments Video: introduction to two technology courses we do in the summer at IH Barcelona for secondary school teachers I'm going to quote from Wikipedia on this one (not something I've ever had a problem with!)

Flipping a language classroom : Tech ELT Blog

: Flip teaching (or flipped classroom) is a form of blended learning which encompasses any use of technology to leverage the learning in a classroom, so a teacher can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. The gist of flipped learning, says Daniel Grafton , starts with the teacher recording and posting "video lectures in lieu of lecturing in class". I'm not sure that the flipped model is one that actually applies at all in language learning (we aren't lecturing, are we?) On two of the summer courses that we do at IH Barcelona, however, we suggest the following: that what really needs to be "flipped" in many language classrooms is who uses the technology . Resources for French Teachers - Home. Top Tools for Intermediate French. Le Point du FLE - Annuaire du français langue étrangère - Apprendre le français - Learn French - Aprender francés - Französisch lernen. Secondary French teaching resources – TES. Liens du français langue étrangère (FLE) Présentation et objectifs Adodoc est un site éducatif gratuit qui permet aux adolescents du monde entier qui apprennent le français de progresser en compréhension orale.

Liens du français langue étrangère (FLE)

Lingualicious. Cyberprof teste vos connaissances linguistiques et littéraires. Vous trouverez dans ce site éducatif des liens vers différentes ressources :1.

Cyberprof teste vos connaissances linguistiques et littéraires.

Une série concernant la nouvelle orthographe2. Mes exercices et les pages explicatives3. Web2 - 4 Languages Teachers - home. Speaking to le Monde. Richard Shryock argues that French is the most practical language to learn While any language will be useful for some jobs or for some regions, French is a language that is useful throughout the world as well as in the U.S.

Speaking to le Monde

French as a foreign language is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. The International Organization of Francophonie has 56 member states and governments. Of these, 28 countries have French as an official language. French is the only language other than English spoken on five continents. Teacher websites. Amélioration du français - Accueil. Mfltwitterati - MFL Wikis. Mfltwitterati - Authentic French Spam.