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Langue Vocab

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Words, vocabulary, expressions and spelling. Leonardo Da Vinci.


Le Site des ProVerbes. Le français rend intelligent ! José María Campo. Présentation de Je réfléchis puis j'écris. : informations sur les rectifications de l'orthographe française ("nouvelle orthographe" ou "orthographe rectifiée") L'autodidacte - Chroniques du Cyberprof - Soutien scolaire. CLO - Mots branchés. French Transition words Flashcards. Madame-M. Alan Kennedys Color/Language Project - The Idiom List.

French Pollution - Useful Phrases and Vocabulary. First: Simple & Necessary Vocabulary A greenhouse gas -> un gaz à effet de serreCarbon -> le charbonOil -> le pétroleNatural gas -> le gaz naturelCO2 -> CO2Sulfur dioxide -> le dioxyde de soufre Smog -> le smogIndustrial era -> l'ère industrielleMelting of the ice caps -> la fonte des calottes glaciaires Drought -> la sécheresse Floods -> l'inondation Harmful -> nuisible Noxiousness -> nocivitéNoxious -> nocif French Phrases The following bullet points will contain French phrases.

French Pollution - Useful Phrases and Vocabulary

Toute la conjugaison des verbes. French: Vocabulary Guide: The Body II. BonPatron : Un excellent correcteur orthographique en ligne ! su. « BonPatron » correcteur d'orthographe et de grammaire en ligne. Essential French Langauge Tools — La Belle in France - StumbleUpon.

French Parts of Speech. Learning French is hard, and it's even harder if you don't understand the basics of grammar in your own language.

French Parts of Speech

If your mind boggles when people start talking about nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech, this lesson is for you. The eight parts of speech are listed below, with each one bolded in a sample sentence. Click each term to learn more about it, including examples, tips on figuring out which part of speech a particular word belongs to, and links to more detailed lessons. Adjective Je parle lentement parce que les nouveaux étudiants sont à la table I am speaking slowly because the new students are at the table Adverb Je parle lentement parce que les nouveaux étudiants sont à la table I am speaking slowly because the new students are at the table.

Improve Your French - Advanced Vocabulary - Agreement and Disagreement.