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Mezzoblue § Home. Molly E. Holzschlag's Blog: Welcome! HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference. Reverse IP lookup - Which websites are hosted on the same server as yours? Most web hosts offer so-called shared hosting packages. That means that the servers that hosts your website will also host a variety of other websites. What if one of the other websites on your server is a spammer? Will that have a negative impact on your search engine rankings. Will Google penalize your website if your website uses the same IP address as a major spammer? Are porn websites hosted on the same server as your website that targets a family audience?

Enter the domain name of your website in the following box to find all domains that are hosted on the same server as your website. Depending on the number of websites that are hosted on your server, it can take some time until the results are displayed. Guaranteed top 10 rankings on Google If you want to find your website on Google's first result page, you should take a look at Internet Business Promoter. IBP is the only SEO tool that can offer you a top 10 rankings on Google or money back guarantee. Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report. A List Apart. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Designing With Web Standards, 3rd Edition. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Web development book by Jeffrey Zeldman Designing with Web Standards, first published in 2003 with revised editions in 2007 and 2009, is a web development book by Jeffrey Zeldman.

The book’s audience is primarily web development professionals who aim to produce design work that complies with web standards. The work is used as a textbook in over 85 colleges. Summary[edit] Written by Jeffrey Zeldman, a leading proponent of standards-compliant web design, Designing with Web Standards guides the reader on how to better utilize web standards pragmatically to create accessible, user-friendly web sites. Designing with Web Standards reiterates many of the arguments previously advanced by the Web Standards Project to highlight the benefits of standards-compliant web design.[1] Critique[edit] The book’s third and most recent edition was released on October 25, 2009, by New Riders Press. Impact[edit] Translations[edit] References[edit] /* Position Is Everything */ — Modern browser bugs explained in detail!