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Check Browser Compatibility, Cross Platform Browser Test - Browsershots. Analytics | Official Website. WebInspector. The Web Inspector allows you to view the page source, live DOM hierarchy, script debugging, profiling and more! Enabling the Web Inspector Safari Enable the Develop menu option in the Advanced preferences. Use the optional toolbar button, Develop menu or Inspect Element context menu to access the Web Inspector. Other WebKit clients Find the application's bundle identifier. Using the Web Inspector The Web Inspector can be opened by right clicking anywhere on a web page and choosing Inspect Element. The Node pane shows the current node type and name, as well as any element attributes.

Under the Style pane we show all the CSS rules that apply to the focused node. The Metrics pane provides a quick visual look at how margins, borders and padding affect the current node. Various HTML and JavaScript properties, including length of text nodes, offsetWidth/Height, class names, and parent/sibling information are vieweable in the Properties pane. Hacking on the Web Inspector Related Blog Posts Shortcut Keys. Firebug. Fangs Screen Reader Emulator.