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Digital Classroom Services Provider, Hyderabad Digital Teacher (2) Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies. DT Promotion Video 10. DIGITAL TEACHER SMART CLASSROOM PRESENTATION 2020. DT Promotion Video 3. BFi3M. LOOKING FOR IETM CONTACT US FOR S1000D. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual. (This Article on IETM has been written by (G.Gopi krishna from Code and Pixels, 7 years into IETM Service, and 20 years of overall IT experience) IETM or Interactive electronic Technical Manual, as the name indicates, it is a Manual which is interactive and in the form of electronic/digital.

Interactive Electronic Technical Manual

Then PDF file is also electronic/digital, will that be called IETM? Yes, undoubtedly PDF is also IETM. It's Level 2 IETM. I need to give an example so that u can understand better about Levels. . Smart Class Online. Smart Classroom Services Provider, Hyderabad. DIGITAL TEACHER SMART CLASSROOM PRESENTATION 2020. Smart Classroom Services Provider, Hyderabad.