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Academic.oup. If People Asked Questions Like They Do On Facebook. Twitter Has Never Been Stronger—or Weaker. If you listen to the financial news, and the financial markets, Twitter is floundering.

Twitter Has Never Been Stronger—or Weaker

The company is actively shopping itself to deep-pocketed buyers in hopes of ending the cycle of raised expectations and dashed hopes that has characterized its relationship with Wall Street. But a number of those potential buyers, including Disney and Microsoft, have already passed, and just told the Financial Times, “We’ve walked away.” The uncertainty about Twitter’s future has made the company’s share price as volatile over the past couple of weeks as a penny stock’s, and has raised questions about the company’s future if no sale materializes. If you use, or even scan, Twitter, though, the service seems as strong, and as influential, as ever.

Leslie Jones and Twitter’s Troll Economics. Welcome to the Week in Business, a look at some of the biggest stories in business and economics.

Leslie Jones and Twitter’s Troll Economics

What do you do when your customers engage in unacceptable behavior? That, in simple terms, is the problem that Twitter has been wrestling with the past week, after the actress Leslie Jones, one of the stars of “Ghostbusters,” let it be known that she had become the target of racist and misogynist tweets by an army of trolls. On Monday, after retweeting many of the attacks, Jones announced that she was leaving the service for good, at which point Twitter’s C.E.O., Jack Dorsey, stepped in and asked her to get in touch with him.

Shortly thereafter, the company announced that it had taken “enforcement actions” against a number of accounts. One of those actions was the permanent suspension of Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay conservative blogger for the Web site Breitbart. The debate over whether Twitter was wrong to ban Yiannopoulos has an obvious answer: no. G.O.P. Infographie : la croissance des réseaux sociaux entre 2010 et 2015. En bref. 2015 : allégorie. Periscope. Recommend. Tsū. Elias Aboujaoude M.D. Partner Mohr, Davidow Ventures. Medium.

Whisper. Thoughts on Google+ It’s been over a year since I left Google.

Thoughts on Google+

Over 450 days, actually. During that time, I joined and left a startup; traveled to Paris (twice). I got divorced. I started a new relationship, moved, and became a bonus dad. Now I’m on the cusp of starting a new company (I think, details pending). Any of these changes could be significant on their own, but I bring them up merely for comparison’s sake. While this post touches on the recent-past, present, and future, I’m going to start with a stupid mistake I made earlier this week. I fucked up I need to make a retraction. I cast aspersions where none were warranted. But I was wrong. The problem — as diagnosed by Googler Melissa Chang —was interference from Jesse Middleton’s Better BCC extension. Egg on my face. So what the fuck is Google+ for anyway? When I thought about what motivated me to lob this snarkbomb, I realized I was looking for a reaction. No vision. Reppler.

Publiez gratuitement vos offres d'emploi. Wizbii - Professionnal social network for students and newly graduated. Yupeek : Réseau social professionnel - Recherche de stage et d'emploi. We Heart It. Space Tag pour iPhone, iPod touch et iPad dans l’App Store sur iTunes. Ello. Tsū. Adopt a Pet. Updating Our Terms and Policies: Helping You Understand How Facebook Works and How to Control Your Information.

Facebook a-t-il sa chance le marché de la collaboration en entreprise ? Les faits - Selon le Financial Times, Facebook cherche à concurrencer des services comme Google Drive ou Microsoft Office en profitant de la force de son audience et de sa notoriété.

Facebook a-t-il sa chance le marché de la collaboration en entreprise ?

Une annonce qui souligne le rapprochement des usages du numérique tant dans la sphère privée des internautes que dans leur sphère professionnelle. Mais convaincre les entreprise ne sera pas aussi simple. Avec «Facebook for Work», Mark Zuckerberg entend donner une nouvelle dimension à sa multinationale. Bobler, le réseau social qui fait entendre votre voix. What Happens to #Ferguson Affects Ferguson: — The Message. Ferguson is about many things, starting first with race and policing in America.

What Happens to #Ferguson Affects Ferguson: — The Message

But it’s also about internet, net neutrality and algorithmic filtering. It’s a clear example of why “saving the Internet”, as it often phrased, is not an abstract issue of concern only to nerds, Silicon Valley bosses, and few NGOs. It’s why “algorithmic filtering” is not a vague concern. It’s a clear example why net neutrality is a human rights issue; a free speech issue; and an issue of the voiceless being heard, on their own terms. I saw this play out in multiple countries — my home country of Turkey included — but last night, it became even more heartbreakingly apparent in the United States as well. For me, last night’s Ferguson “coverage” began when people started retweeting pictures of armored vehicles with heavily armored “robocops” on top of them, aiming their muzzle at the protesters, who seemed to number a few hundred. I watched this interaction online. Twitter vs. Facebook as a news source: Ferguson shows the downsides of an algorithmic filter.

While Twitter has been alive with breaking news about the events in Ferguson, Mo. after the shooting of an unarmed black man — video clips posted by participants, live-tweeting the arrest of journalists, and so on — many users say Facebook has been largely silent on the topic, with more info about ice-bucket challenges by various celebrities.

Twitter vs. Facebook as a news source: Ferguson shows the downsides of an algorithmic filter

Is this a sign of a fundamental difference between the two platforms? In a sense, yes. What Happens to #Ferguson Affects Ferguson: — The Message. Dissonance cognitive. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Dissonance cognitive

Une grosse majorité des contenus Facebook vous sont cachés. Be on Stage. When Social Media Goes Bad: The Human Effect [INFOGRAPHIC] A few week ago I wrote an article about the ill-timed and highly-insensitive Tweets sent out by a brand: Epicurious Tweets Inappropriately after Boston Marathon Tragedy.

When Social Media Goes Bad: The Human Effect [INFOGRAPHIC]

It was surely not the first nor will be the last example of social media gone bad in the context of a brand. Today, however, I want to talk about when social media goes bad from a human perspective. Facebook Touts Gear That Will Reinvent the Network Engineer. A new, Facebook-insprired switch, on display at the company’s HQ.

Facebook Touts Gear That Will Reinvent the Network Engineer

It’s designed by Intel and sold by Quanta Computer. Photo: Ariel Zambelich/WIRED MENLO PARK, California — Each month, Facebook puts up advertisements for new coding projects on its internal network. They’re called Hack-a-Month-Projects. The idea is simple. Vie privée : Comment configurer Google+ pour refuser l'usage de ses informations privées dans les pubs. INFORMATION : la publicité diffusée sur ce site est l'unique source de revenus, permettant de vous proposer gratuitement ce contenu en finançant le travail journalistique.

Vie privée : Comment configurer Google+ pour refuser l'usage de ses informations privées dans les pubs

Si vous souhaitez la survie d'un web libre et gratuit, merci de désactiver votre bloqueur de publicité ou de mettre UnderNews en liste blanche. Vous souhaitez aider tout en limitant la publicité ? Faites un don ! En savoir plus. How to Completely Delete Facebook From Your Life. If you're seriously considering deleting your Facebook account, you're not alone. Start typing in the letters "dele" into Google and you'll see "delete Facebook account" as a top suggestion. Whether it's to alleviate privacy concerns or avoid digital distractions, more people are trying to figure out how to fully disconnect themselves from the social network giant that we live and breathe. For those ready to call it quits, you're in for a surprise — it's more difficult than you think to erase yourself permanently.

With its ever-changing privacy policies, becoming Facebook-free requires more steps than just hitting the delete button and saying goodbye. Keep in mind deletion is not the same as deactivation. Deleting your account means you can never, ever access your account again, and you won't be able to retrieve any of your content or information. If you 100% want out, follow the step-by-step guide below to erase your Facebook footprint and make sure your account is gone for good. 1. 2.

Expérience psychologique : Facebook a-t-il enfreint la loi ?, Médias. Politique Mise en examen de Sarkozy : "les faits sont graves", affirme Valls. Quand Facebook manipule nos émotions. Qui fait encore attention aux émoticons "merveilleusement bien" ou "triste" de Facebook ? Si insérés dans le paysage de notre page bleue et blanche que personne ne se demande qui a le temps d'aller chercher précisement l'émoticon qui correspond à son humeur.

Et encore moins si un algorithme ne ferait pas le travail à sa place par la technologie de reconnaissance et association des mots. Top 10 des réseaux sociaux moins chanceux que Facebook, les flops 2.0. — de la sociologie et plein d'autres choses. Les "justiciers" d'Internet en quête d'un coupable de l'attentat de Boston.

Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Michaël Szadkowski Mise à jour, le 19 avril : cet article a été écrit et publié avant la diffusion, dans la soirée du jeudi 18 avril, des photos de deux suspects par le FBI. Cette diffusion a entraîné une modification des règles de publication sur Reddit, où sont depuis uniquement autorisés des messages ou photos relatifs à ces deux suspects. Depuis l'explosion, lundi 15 avril, de deux bombes près de la ligne d'arrivée du marathon de Boston, ayant causé la mort de trois personnes et fait près de 170 blessés, deux questions sont dans tous les esprits : qui est/sont le(s) coupable(s) ? Buuyers ! Réseau social & Marketplace de compétences, services & expériences - jobbing Buuyers est sur Capital M6.