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Military Chalkboard US Map. Ultimaker. Ultimaker. Thoth's Time Temple - Giza Alignment Code Time-Shift. Forschung. Biggest Scientific Breakthroughs of 2011. Consciousness. Consciousness We exist in a matrix, simulation, hologram, or virtual programmed reality that we believe is real because our brains tell us it is.


Consciousness is all and everything in the virtual hologram of our experiences brought into awareness by the brain - an electrochemical machine forever viewing streaming codes for experience and interpretation. Consciousness originates from a source of light energy for the purpose of learning. The human biogenetic experiment is consciousness brought forth into the physical by the patterns of sacred geometry that repeat in cycles called Time. Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time. Rene Descartes said, "Cogito, ergo sum" -- "I think, therefore I am.

" Consciousness may involve thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions, dreams, and self-awareness. Many philosophers have seen consciousness as the most important thing in the universe. Mysterianism The first is the famous hard problem of consciousness. Dreams. Ultimaker sources. DIY CO2 Laser Cutter For Sheet Metal. Would you like to build a CO2 laser cutter similar to this?

DIY CO2 Laser Cutter For Sheet Metal

That can cut things like this: Instructables has an exceptional step-by-step guide as to how to go about it. As the introduction states: The general idea of this CO2 laser system is that a beam is directed down to a part for cutting. The part sits on a computer controlled platform which moves the piece around the stationary laser beam. There are pictures a plenty, videos of it in action, a block diagram pdf and seven extensive pages of instructions on how to build one. Decoupe laser. Tentative d identification d Owni. Owni, plate-forme de «journalisme digital», et dernier-né des pure players de l’hexagone, veut être le ProPublica (1) français.

Tentative d identification d Owni

C’est-à-dire une organisation qui finance des productions journalistiques sans en tirer profit. «L’information ne vaut pas d’argent et n’en rapporte pas, m’explique Nicolas Voisin, 32 ans, à la tête d’Owni. Depuis le temps, on le sait!». Ordinateurs customisés et appartement à moquette Les locaux d’Owni, situés près de la place de la République à Paris, ressemblent à une ruche. Dans l’entrée, des développeurs de sites Web. Crédit: DR Faire du service pour faire de l’info La spécificité affichée de ce «laboratoire on line»: publier tous ses contenus (articles, applications, graphiques, tableaux, etc.) sous licence Creative Commons depuis la date de sa création, en avril 2009. Crochet & Knitting.

Beautyful. Home Ideas. Geometric Images. Puzzle Games. Impressum. Aus Metalab, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten. Medieninhaber Verein zur Förderung der Erforschung und Bildung sozialer und technischer Innovationen - metalab Zuständige Vereinsbehörde: Bundespolizeidirektion Wien ZVR-Zahl: 269253896 Sitz und Adresse.

Mobile. PCB CNC. Aus Metalab, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.


Introduction CNCs can facilitate in the creation of PCBS: Manual etching and then using CNC to drill automatically. Cutting out the board , to have round PCBs, or similar. Automated isolation routing: From a PCB some surface parts are milled away, so that the connection copper area are left isolated. Currently, all three steps are working on the Geilomat. For the isolation, there is the normal approach, where all contours of copper areas are milled. Some results are given in the soup of the Geilomat 0805 SMD resistors work fine, although the solder locations are not visible any more. Examples. Pocket laser engraver. For the Arduino I started out writing my own software.

Pocket laser engraver.

But while searching for a good way to control movement from the serial port I stumbled upon something called "Grbl ". This is a g-code interpreter with lots of nifty functions. As I already had everything connected to the Arduino I had to ether change my connections or change the software. Luckily it is easy to change control pins in the software.

I did however have to download Winavr and then the code from . CNC / laser cutter / engravers. Rapid Prototyping, Advance Digital Manufacturing, 3D Printing, 3-D CAD. 3D printing. Schach. Main Page * BrettspielWelt - Online Portal für Brettspiele. Mexican board games. Schach für 3 Leute. Amazing!

Schach für 3 Leute

Three player Chess on a hexagonal board. 3 player chess played with just the same rules as standard 2 player chess but adjusted to take account of the hexagonal board. The game is not a gimmick; it's a really interesting version of Chess that enables an extra player to play. The extra rules are minimal but the hexagonal nature of the board does bend your mind: When a pieces that moves diagonally reaches the middle point of the board, it can travel in one of two directions. The first King must be actually taken rather than just checkmated. The ramifications of of the hexagonal board turn out to be pretty fascinating, once you've understood the way that pieces move through the middle point. Having a temporary ally can be more important than having a good position. Brettspiele selbst gestalten - Individualisierbare Spiele auf LKW-Plane von SPIELTZ. Spiele.