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Weekly Wisdom. Need Some Motivation Right Now? Read This IMMEDIATELY — Think Traffic. If you’re in desperate need of some motivation, we’re going to fix that problem, right here, right now. Prepare yourself. WARNING: I’m going to swear and yell a little in this post. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

You said you needed motivation. I’m going to do what needs to be done to get your ass in gear. NO EXCUSES. If this isn’t the kind of motivation you need, leave now. Alright. Here goes. Do you want some motherfucking motivation right now? I SAID, do you want some MOTHERFUCKING MOTIVATION RIGHT NOW? Do you want to get some seriously useful shit done today? Do you want to get off your ass and start producing instead of wallowing in despair, depression, self pity, fear, doubt or whatever is holding you back? Are you sick of not getting anything done? Let’s DO THIS. The point of this exercise is to give you motivation to do something right now. Follow the steps below carefully. 1. The world doesn’t care. We all face obstacles. Did you catch that? Let me say it again. Period. 2. 3. Your detour to a stress-free life. Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness techniques can actually change your brain in a positive way.

Anxiety levels in the United States are the highest in decadesChronic stress has been linked to weight gain, depression and cancerWith practice, stress-reduction techniques can become second nature ( -- Ever feel overwhelmed by worries? Do you find yourself dwelling on concerns big (is my job safe?) And small (that darn clogged sink!)? It's official: You're human and living in the United States. Anxiety levels in this country are the highest they've been in seven decades, surveys show.

Not surprisingly, money and work woes top most people's freak-out lists (thank you, lingering recession). Women suffer most -- we're twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, which involves excessive worry about a wide range of things (and requires medical attention). Dogs deliver stress relief for students And in this you-can-do-it! What is CBT, anyway? 1. 2. 3. » Omharmonics Blog. Just Because You're Anxious it Doesn't Mean You're Ill - Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Mind Power to Overcome Anxiety And Be Stress Free | Photo Courtesy of laurenatclemson I am putting together different ways in which we can deal with anxiety and be stress free.

This is Part II of the series : Break Free of Anxiety Habits – Creative Ways to Deal with Stress and Overcome Anxiety. [For Part I of the series, click here] 5 Ways to Use Mind Power to Overcome Anxiety and Be Stress Free 1. Break the Loop, Gain Clarity Have you ever heard an anxious mind? It doesn’t speak … it rambles. I have written earlier about How To Get Clarity In Thoughts. Write in points. 2. 3. Imagine a time when you have no thoughts about past or future. [You can read about Focussed Meditation here] Stress often increases our pace of thoughts in the wrong direction. Varied forms of meditation increase focus and help mind to be thought free. [You can read about my customized meditation technique here] 4. You can sit in a crossed leg position somewhere in silence. 5. Shift worrying to tomorrow every day. Tune in Next Monday for more ways to deal with anxiety.

Anxiety Advandced Tips Archives - Naturally Overcome Anxiety and Panic Relief : Naturally Overcome Anxiety and Panic Relief. Food, Anxiety, and Depression. How to Overcome Anxiety | Vantage Point Counseling Services in Dallas. Wired to Worry - What is Anxiety or Anxiety Disorders and What Can You Do When Anxiety Attacks? - Videos - Free Web Classes. It’s Emotional and Not Mental | anxiety and stress. In the Age of Anxiety, are we all mentally ill? « Talesfromthelou's Blog. In the Age of Anxiety, are we all mentally ill? | Reuters. Reuters By Sharon Begley NEW YORK | Fri Jul 13, 2012 When Cynthia Craig was diagnosed with postpartum depression eight years ago, she told her family doctor she felt anxious about motherhood. “Anxiety is something I have always had, especially during times of change,” said Craig, 40, who lives in Scotland, Ontario.

Her doctor referred her to an anxiety clinic, where a nurse asked Craig dozens of yes-or-no questions – are you afraid of snakes? That didn’t feel right to her, but the clinic’s psychiatrist agreed with the nurse and said Craig’s concerns about motherhood constituted an anxiety disorder, a form of mental illness, and prescribed Pfizer’s Effexor and then GlaxoSmithKline’s Paxil. Craig’s case is one of millions that constitute an extraordinary trend in mental illness: an increase in the prevalence of reported anxiety disorders of more than 1,200 percent since 1980. Critics, including other leading psychiatrists, disagree.

Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety (9781439177303): Daniel Smith. NaturalNews Radio - Mental Health Exposed with Mike Bundrant Show Archive. End Anxious Thoughts In 4 Easy Steps | Cure Panic Attacks and Anxiety Attacks. Toan Lam: GIG Spark: One Thing You Must Do Daily for Your Mental and Spiritual Health. I have to make a confession. I'm guilty of this, too. I'm a workaholic and social-media maniac. How many of you are guilty of being on your phone, iPad, or computer when you shouldn't? It's hard to resist overworking and social-media madness, because when you do something that you absolutely love, your passion work, it doesn't feel like work. I just want to climb Kilamanjaro and yell, "Go Inspire Go! " (GIG). One of my best friends, Yasmine Farazian, made me realize that I was becoming a workaholic. Since then, I've tried (operative word being "tried") to consciously be as present as possible when doing my GIG work.

So in the spirit of being present while going to and fro, I want to introduce our latest GIG Spark. So please remember: It only takes a few seconds every day to stop, take a mental snapshot of something beautiful that surrounds you, and be grateful. We hope this video inspires you to do something nice for someone in need in your community in the next 24 hours. Improving Emotional Health: Strategies and Tips for Good Mental Health. What is mental health or emotional health? Mental or emotional health refers to your overall psychological well-being. It includes the way you feel about yourself, the quality of your relationships, and your ability to manage your feelings and deal with difficulties. Good mental health isn't just the absence of mental health problems.

Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues. People who are mentally and emotionally healthy have: A sense of contentment. These positive characteristics of mental and emotional health allow you to participate in life to the fullest extent possible through productive, meaningful activities and strong relationships. The role of resilience in mental and emotional health Being emotionally and mentally healthy doesn’t mean never going through bad times or experiencing emotional problems. One of the key factors in resilience is the ability to balance stress and your emotions. How to Avoid Suspicion and Paranoia: 17 steps.

Edit Article Edited by Iqbal Osman, Teresa, Im shal, Flickety and 19 others A suspicious mind is always ill-at-ease and spotting hidden meanings nobody else even considers are there. It can be a devastating way to live, viewing the world through a hyper-vigilant lens, and left unchecked, suspicious thinking can evolve into a paranoid personality disorder, a state in which you may not even think you have a "problem" but you will be aware that there is something not fulfilling about your approach to life. When unfounded suspicious behavior results in small things being blown out of proportion, your mind is in a constantly nervous state and you lose the mental energy that could be put to more productive and creative uses. Even worse is the reality that others around you at home, in the workplace, and anywhere else, can find dealing with your suspicious nature irritating and sometimes even confronting or threatening.

Ad Steps. This Is A War - ABUSE. A definition of verbal abuse - You understand their feelings, but they never attempt to understand yours; - They dismiss your difficulties or issues as unimportant or an overreaction; - They do not listen to you; - They always put their needs before yours; - They expect you to perform tasks that you find unpleasant or humiliating; - You "walk on eggshells" in an effort not to upset them; - They ignore logic and prefer amateur theatrics in order to remain the centre of attention; - Instead manipulate you into feeling guilty for things that have nothing to do with you; - They attempt to destroy any outside support you receive by belittling the people/ service/practice in an attempt to retain exclusive control over your emotions; - They never take responsibility for hurting others; - They blame everyone and everything else for any unfortunate events in their lives; - They perceive themselves as martyrs or victims and constantly expect preferential treatment.

Copyright 2006 Abuse List. rejecting support. Emotional abuse,domestic abuse,abusive h - Does What He Says Make You Feel ‘Crazy'? Overcoming Fear: The Only Way Out is Through. A story about the Nobel winning writer Isaac Bashevis-Singer has him resting at home after receiving news of his award. A reporter appears at his door: "Mr. Bashevis-Singer, are you surprised? Are you happy? " "Of course," answers the elderly writer, "I am very surprised and happy. " Ten minutes later, another reporter appears: "Mr.

Bashevis-Singer, are you surprised? Along with the late writer's wit, this anecdote also illustrates the mechanism of habituation. Psychology has made several uses of this principle. But the most important application of the habituation principle has been in the area of anxiety treatment. The experience of anxiety involves nervous system arousal. Moreover, when you avoid something that scares you, you tend to experience a sense of failure. Exposure, yes, but not this kind So, avoiding anxiety maintains and magnifies it. Gentle and fascinating, once you habituate Thus with anxiety, the only way out is through. Exposure isn't easy. 18 Ways Attention Goes Wrong. When attention goes badly wrong it can play some nasty tricks on us. Imagine if every time you walked into a room with a neatly turned down bed, you automatically took off your clothes and got into it — even though it wasn’t bedtime, wasn’t your bed, and wasn’t even your home.

This might sound fanciful but it’s a documented behaviour of patients with attentional problems caused by brain damage (Lhermitte, 1983). Many everyday occurrences can also be explained by attentional errors, like when we miss obvious changes in the environment, fail at sports or simply forget to put the milk back in the fridge. More seriously psychologists have found that attentional processes can play a role in psychological problems like anxiety, panic, insomnia, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Here are 18 ways attention can go wrong, some very common, some extremely unusual, a few downright weird; each giving us an insight into how our minds work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Ping with Depression | Fighting Depression. We have seen that sadness, hopelessness, loss, low self-regard, loneliness, guilt, and shame are complex conditions or processes. The causes are complex and so are the solutions. It is hard to pull yourself out of a sinkhole of misery, sometimes impossible. When you feel most like doing nothing, you need to DO SOMETHING!

When the future looks most bleak, you need to face it with some hope. When hating yourself, you need to accept what you have been and work on being better. No one should be ashamed of being depressed. Note If your depression is serious (disabling or suicidal), seek professional help immediately. If your depression is primarily chemical, psychological coping techniques are useful but not sufficient. If you’ve read parts of the chapter relevant to you, you probably already have some ideas about how and why you have responded with sadness. The methods for coping with depression are arranged by levels in this section. The Use of Anti-depressants Self-observation. Awakening and Depression | beyond karma. What is depression? Blah-ness. Dryness, emptiness, futility, disengagement. Painful to lift a finger. The opposite of love. Here’s my description of what depression feels like.

By depression, I mean the mild to moderate clinical illness which has both physical and psychological symptoms and affects mood, thoughts, emotions and level of energy. photo credit: h.koppdelaney Does Awakening overcome depression? I had episodes of anxiety for twenty years, worsening over time. Depression is another matter. In my experience, depression does not go away as we awaken, but the experience of it is very different. Does depression bring about Awakening? Yes, it does. I see depression as the first Noble Truth of Buddhism. Another way to say this is that depression is when we nudge ourselves to awaken. Yet another way to say this is to say that depression is the way some of us react to the insanity of being identified with our thoughts and beliefs, separated from who we really are. Yes, it’s possible. Westwood Institute for Anxiety Disorders - Los Angeles OCD Clinic.

Everywomanover29: Food, Mood, Anxiety, Women’s Health. Anxiety Problems in Relationships, Part I: 3 Habits That Invite Anxiety. Anxiety problems include stress, worry, and relationship tensions. In my clinical practice as a Denver psychologist who specializes in relationship counseling , I often see cases in which anxiety, worrying and tension block ability to enjoy comfortable relationships. Anxiety can arrive mysteriously, like a sudden fog on a clear day, and can hang on far too long. The feeling can be seriously unpleasant with tightness in chest muscles and almost nauseating fearfulness. Anxiety also can impede performance, as I wrote about in an earlier PT posting . Yet, alas, as I wrote i n another earlier PT posting, many of the measures we take to eliminate noxious nervous feelings lead to even more problematic reactions like anger , depression or addictive behaviors. Anxiety is like a blinking yellow light that tells you "Potential danger ahead!

" Anxiety can undermine relationships if it blocks you for talking together about issues where you differ. Of course you do not. This is good news. The outcome? Tips for Dealing with Anxiety from The ToDo Institute. A Special Application You may have heard a song which says, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” It’s a wonderful songbut it’s a very difficult thing to do. It’s extremely difficult to stop worrying about something just because you tell yourself to do so. And it’s also difficult to make yourself feel happy through the sheer force of your will. Morita Therapy was originally developed for people with a type of anxiety neurosis called shinkeishitsu. Such people were characterized by their tendencies towards perfectionism, shyness, hypochondria and a general preoccupation with their feelings and thoughts.

Many traditional approaches to anxiety advocate “working on” your thoughts - trying to change or even stop them. A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness $6.99 Download the Kindle version Download the Nook version y is to not resist or rebel against the symptoms or to try to get around them by devising all sorts of tricks, that is, to accept them directly as they are without shunning them.”

J.K. On Dealing with Fear: Stop Judging Yourself and Be. “Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.” ~Pema Chodron I’m arachnophobic. Last night, a large spider took up residence on the wall in my room. The shock of seeing its dark mass seated comfortably against the stark white of the paint made the blood drain from my head.

I have ways of dealing with my fears. Sometimes I ignore them and plunge in head-first without thinking; sometimes I avoid them altogether and run for the hills. When it comes to spiders though, I humanize the situation. I gave Richie, as I named my new roommate, the same courtesy I give to all animals. After a bit of careful planning, I took a deep breath and eased Richie into his temporary residence, ready for relocation to the floating garden. I realized then I needed to do the same for myself. You see, I’ve recently come off a bout of depression. When I’m badly depressed, I stop entirely. My laundry piles up in a corner. Daylight becomes unbearable as does the natural world around me.

Photo by Nightskymun. One Step to Rediscover Meaning in Your Life (Video) Anxiety Haven - Generalized anxiety disorder info. Book - 9 insights on life. Rhetological Fallacies. Dream Decoder - What Your Dreams Mean at WomansDay. How to use binaural beats for brainwave entrainment. 7 Day NLP Practitioner Certification Training | Powerful Positive People. Overcoming Anxiety with Mindfulness Therapy. 50 Life Secrets and Tips. Rational New Zealand. How to Train Your Brain to Alleviate Anxiety. Accepting and Overcoming Anxiety. Three Things That Maintain Anxiety. EFT More Effective than Medication in Treating Anxiety.

11 Tips to Help Manage Anxiety. Anxiety Panic Hub Assistance for people with an Anxiety Disorder - Meditation. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) | Anxiety Disorders Association of America, ADAA. Can Potassium Help My Anxiety? Long-Term Strategies For Effectively Preventing Anxiety. 100 Natural Ways to Overcome Anxiety | U.S. PharmD. Meditation And Self Hypnosis A Perfect Combo To Beat Anxiety. The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders Is Vital. Cognitive Distortions. How to Survive With Anxiety and Panic Disorder: 8 steps. 75 Reminders for Tough Times. Top 10 Thinking Traps Exposed.

Reboot your life: 20 mental barriers you should let go of. How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs. How To Stop An Anxiety Attack. Linda Durnell: Fear Is Like a Virus. Coping Skills for Anxiety Attacks - Self Help Anxiety Blog - Anxiety Slayer: self help anxiety relief tools. 5 Sure-fire Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety Today. 10 Yoga Poses to Fight Depression and Anxiety. Do As One. Enlightenment & The Power of Now.

How to Stop Worrying. 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking. The 10 Rules of Change. How to Hack Your Brain. Relief from Anxiety through the Transcendental Meditation Technique. 9 Tips for a Fearless Life. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): When Worry Gets Out of Control. Those who love you are not fooled... | Wisdom Commons.