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Operation Anon Trademark

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French Retailer Attempts to Trademark Anonymous Logo. A French Retailer called Early Flicker has applied to trademark the logo for the hacktivist group Anonymous.

French Retailer Attempts to Trademark Anonymous Logo

The group prides itself on its facelessness, and while no one really knows who Anonymous members are, it is very likely that this cannot be challenged. The retailer also trademarked their slogan: “Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. Anonymous: Operation AnonTrademark (#OpAnonTrademark) [ENGLISH] Anonymous: Operation AnonTrademark [english] Operation Anon Trademark. Online-Händler will Rechte an Anonymous-Logo sichern. Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen, hat Anonymous irgendwelche Urheberansprüche an Logo und Motto?

Online-Händler will Rechte an Anonymous-Logo sichern

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