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Tagzania. Google Map Tools. MapAList. Aardvark Map. YourGMap. Map Maker. Google Maps: 100+ Best Tools and Mashups. Most people think of Google Maps in terms of finding a place or business, or getting directions from one point to another. Others use the satellite images and terrain mapping features.

But there are tons of other uses out there for Google maps. From mapping the weather and news to mapping things that aren't maps at all, like paintings or magazines, Google Maps has a lot to offer. And there are free tools available out there for those who want to use the Google Maps API without doing a bunch of coding. Here are more than 100 of the best mashups and tools out there right now.

Have a favorite Google Maps tool or mashup? Travel and Transportation Mapness - An online travel journal that interfaces with Google Maps to show where you've been. The AA Route Planner - Plan trips around the UK. Montreal Metro Map - A complete map of Montreal Metro stations. TubeJP - A London Tube journey planner using Google Maps that also incorporates a search function to find local businesses. Who is Sick?

Other Maps. Click2Map. ZeeMaps. CommunityWalk. Map Builder. MapAList.