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Facebook Twitter HSL Color Picker. The HSL Color Picker is a simple, yet effective color workbench to generate color output and also to import colors for analysis and comparison. It has all the features you need for experimenting with the seven color contrasts in mind. The contrast of light and dark (luminance value), of hue (hue value), of saturation (saturation value & grayscale equivalent of luminance), of warm and cold (is the red or the blue value dominant?)

, of complementary colors (opposite side of the color wheel), of proportion (visual weight formed by the combination of hue and luminance) and of simultanious color (e.g. thin red and yellow lines form the impression of orange). With the HSL Color Picker you can quickly get the color codes from colors you'd like to use in other websites or desktop applications. Tip: change to fullscreen display mode in your browser (usually press [F11]-key). In general, use your mouse for graphical elements and your keyboard (type, copy & paste) for input fields. Color Picking: Webmaster's Color Lab. Online color chart picker. Color Picker online.

Html Color Codes. ColorPicker. Online Color Scheme Generator. Color Scheme Designer 3.