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Avoid_News_Part1_TEXT.pdf (application/pdf-object) Focus: My new book on simplicity in the age of distractions | zen habits. Post written by Leo Babauta. Today I’m happy to share with you the digital version of my new book, focus. It’s about finding simplicity in this Age of Distraction. It’s about finding the focus you need to create, to work on what’s important, to reflect, to find peace.

And it comes in two flavors: free and premium. The Free Version The free version is simple: it’s 27 chapters that you can download for free, without having to give an email address or do anything else. Download free version here (a pdf download). Read the table of contents. Again, you can share this ebook freely, so feel free to post it on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, or email. The Premium Version The full version of focus is basically a self-taught digital course on focus, from a wide range of experts.

It contains: 1. 2. How to Single-taskBeating the Fears of DisconnectingHow to Find Stillness & DisconnectFocus & Health, Part 1: eating healthy and getting activeFocus & Health, Part 2: sleep and stress 3. 4. 5. 6. Buy the book. Distraction Affliction Correction Extension « xkcd. Lots of people have asked me for the system I used to implement the restriction in the alt-text of today’s comic. At various times, I thought of doing it with an X modification, Firefox extension, a Chrome add-on, an irssi script, etc—but none of them worked too well (or involved a lot of sustained undistracted effort, which was sort of a Catch-22).

Then I hit on a much simpler solution: I made it a rule that as soon as I finished any task, or got bored with it, I had to power off my computer. I could turn it back on right away—this wasn’t about trying to use the computer less. Other ‘honor system’ approaches have never worked for me. Beyond that one rule, I put no other restrictions on myself. It was remarkable how quickly the urges to constantly check those sites vanished. There’s still a place for a browser extension, though. When did addiction become a good thing? I am a behavior designer. I take a deep understanding of human psychology and emerging research in the behavioral sciences to build products that change user behavior in planned and predictable ways. However, these days I’m somewhat dismayed by the persistent chatter about building “addictive” products. When did addiction become an admirable thing to cultivate? As members of the tech industry, we need to ask serious questions about the behaviors that we are promoting.

Are we really helping people live better lives? Or, are we promoting suboptimal habits and aptitudes? With Web products, the general assumption is that user attention can eventually be turned into money, so revenue models are often postponed. I worry that by promoting constant task switching and multitasking, the Internet is changing our attention.

So what do we do? I’m not trying to be the crotchety, out-of-touch naysayer. I don’t have the answers. This is a call to make more Amazons, eBays, and AirBnBs. Study Skills Library - Academic Skills Center - Cal Poly. Discussion Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, (procrastinators often know exactly what they should be doing, even if they cannot do it), which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help. Characteristics The procrastinator is often remarkably optimistic about his ability to complete a task on a tight deadline; this is usually accompanied by expressions of reassurance that everything is under control.

(Therefore, there is no need to start.) At this point, considerable effort is directed towards completing the task, and work progresses. Procrastination is the thief of time. — Edward Young (1683-1765) Positive reinforcement for delay (a good grade) is a principal contributor to continued procrastination. Other Characteristics Low Self-Confidence I'm Too Busy Finally. Top 10: Top 10 Distraction Stoppers.