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Save and retrieve image from Model using jQuery. Introduction This article shows how to get an image from the Model and send the image as a base64 string using jQuery.

Save and retrieve image from Model using jQuery

Background This article is helpful for beginners who are working with partial views and jQuery. Using the code HTML code for file upload.Partial view tag, how do render with HTML, is coded below. jQuery UI Accordion - Cancel Change. Introduction jQuery UI Accordion is a great control out-of-the-box but as usual it's not enough, we always need more!

jQuery UI Accordion - Cancel Change

So here's the thing: I needed a simple way, without much hacking, to let me handle if the user could expand/collapse a panel or not.If you look around, there are some ideas but I couldn't find one that actually consistently worked so here's my way of doing it. Using the Code The idea is to handle the header click and this way decide to activate the panel or not. In the sample code, just use the checkbox to lock or unlock the panels activation. Here's the jsfille link and the same code below. <input id="chkLock" type="checkbox"/><label for="chkLock">Lock Accordion</label><div id="myaccordion"><h3>Header 1</h3><div>Content 1</div><h3>Header 2</h3><div>Content 2</div><h3>Header 3</h3><div>Content 3</div></div> JavaScript Points of Interest There are always multiple ways of doing the same thing, the difficulty is finding the simplest one.

History First version! Checkbox List With Filtering jQuery Widget. Download source - 140.8 KB Introduction We used checkbox-list controls back at the good old days for desktop applications.

Checkbox List With Filtering jQuery Widget

This is a lightweight implementation of checkbox list control as a jQuery UI widget. Background First of all, we need to populate the listbox with data. And selection data returned within the same data model. Using the Code checkList widget can be applied easily with a div element. We can set the listbox items on creation by passing the listItems parameter or after widget created set data model manually by calling setData method.

We can simply get the selected elements by calling getSelection method. Function selChange(){ var selection = $('#myCheckList').checkList('getSelection'); $('#selectedItems').text(JSON.stringify(selection)); } Filtering. ColorPicker - a jQuery UI Widget. Download - 19.3 KB Introduction This project is a web color picker which looks like the one in Microsoft Office 2010.

ColorPicker - a jQuery UI Widget

It can be used inline or as a popup binded to a text box. It is a full jQuery UI widget, supporting various configurations and themes. The project and a live demo are hosted on GitHub. Using the code First, load jQuery (v1.7 or greater), jQuery UI (v1.8 or greater), and the widget code: The widget requires a jQuery UI theme to be present, as well as its own included base CSS file "evol.colorpicker.css".

Now, let's attach it to an existing <input> tag: Simple Drop Down Panel JQuery Widget. Binding multiple events in jQuery. Mythz/jquip. AmplifyJS - A Component Library for jQuery. Awesome jQuery Tutorials. jQuery Org Chart – a plugin for visualising data in a tree-like structure « The Silver Lining. jQuery Org Chart – a plugin for visualising data in a tree-like structure jQuery OrgChart is a plugin that allows you to render structures with nested elements in a easy-to-read tree structure.

jQuery Org Chart – a plugin for visualising data in a tree-like structure « The Silver Lining

To build the tree all you need is to make a single line call to the plugin and supply the HTML element Id for a nested unordered list element that is representative of the data you’d like to display. Features include: 20 Super jQuery Plugins. 20+ superb jQuery plugins for web designers and developers.

20 Super jQuery Plugins

Today we’re rounded up fresh jQuery plugins which are sliders, image galleries, slideshow plugins, jQuery file upload, user interface, jquery scrolling, ajax datagrids plugins, jquery notification, user interface elements, web contact forms, modal windows, tooltips, font size, and many other jQuery plugins collected all in one place. jQuery plugins are constantly being released, and it’s no surprise since it’s insanely popular, and for good reason. The only problem is being able to sort through them all to find the good ones. That’s why we’re always on the lookout, and we will found some good ones for you. Kennethkufluk/js-mindmap. JQuery. JQuery 4.0 beta now available Check the downloads page for more details.


Overview JQuery is a flexible, query-based source code browser, developed as an Eclipse plug-in. After selecting a java working set of interest, a JQuery user can define his or her own top-level queries (or "browsers") on-the-fly by formulating logic queries and running them against his/her source code. Alternatively, the user can choose from a variety of pre-written browsers, and use as-is or modify to suit their specific needs. Individual elements in the tree can then be queried individually in the same fasion.