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Free textures for your next web project. Nothing like a field of beautiful flowers. Download Download. Taking Proper Screenshots in Windows for Blogs or Tutorials. El Patrón de los Números Primos: Prime Number Patterns. By Jason Davies.

El Patrón de los Números Primos: Prime Number Patterns

For each natural number n, we draw a periodic curve starting from the origin, intersecting the x-axis at n and its multiples. The prime numbers are those that have been intersected by only two curves: the prime number itself and one. Below the currently highlighted number, we also show its sum of divisors σ(n), and its aliquot sum s(n) = σ(n) - n, which indicate whether the number is prime, deficient, perfect or abundant. Based on Sobre el patrón de los números primos by Omar E. Pol. CSS Color Names. Magically convert Photoshop designs to valid HTML markup.