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6732867_700b.jpg (640×1000) 4226272_460s.jpg (460×2522) 1725755_460s.jpg (460×596) Modern Masonry: Cool Concrete Cabin + Warm Wood Patio. We tend to think of wood as a warm material appropriate to indoor spaces of a home and concrete in terms of cold building blocks best left to the driveway paving, retaining walls or an outdoor porch.

Modern Masonry: Cool Concrete Cabin + Warm Wood Patio

This minimalist modern cabin reverses these conventions, with board-formed concrete shaping each room and wooden planks kept to outdoor deck spaces – and the effect is surprisingly comfortable-looking. Stamped with the grain of the wood slats between which they were poured, the seamed concrete stripes along the walls and ceiling inside give the house a nice fine-grained scale of detail as well as a pleasing texture to the touch. Winter-wooden-staircase-windows.jpg (468×634) Pool interior. Terrace.