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Android Programming for Beginners: Part 1. Don't miss part 2!

Android Programming for Beginners: Part 1

With Android phones and tablets making their way into more and more pockets and bags, dipping a toe into Android coding is becoming more popular too. And it's a great platform to code for -- the API is largely well-documented and easy to use, and it's just fun to write something that you can run on your own phone. You don't even need a phone at first, because you can write and test code in an emulator on your Linux PC. In the first of this two-part intro to Android coding, get a basic timer app up and running and start learning about the Android API. This tutorial assumes some basic familiarity with Java, XML, and programming concepts, but even if you're shaky on those, feel free to follow along!

Android Programming for Beginners: Part 2. In the first part of this two-part series on getting started with Android coding, you set up your development environment, built a basic countdown app, and got acquainted with the Android API.

Android Programming for Beginners: Part 2

In this second article we'll have a closer look at the structure of an Android app, create a menu, and write a second activity to input a countdown time. We'll also look at running your app on a physical phone. Menu options. Building Your First App. XDA-UniversityXDA-University. XDA-University also offers a variety of video guides, covering various topics Select the videos you are interested in below App Development (by AdamOutler)
