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On Gmane. Free software is mainly developed on mailing lists.

On Gmane

Mailing lists have many advantages over other forms of communication, but they have two weaknesses: It's difficult to follow discussions in a sensible way, and mailing list archives (when they exist) have a tendency to disappear over time. Several mailing list archives exist, but these are all hidden under a web interface. Reading mail that way is not convenient. Reading mail as if it were news is convenient.

This is what Gmane offers. In addition, Gmane does spam detection, cross-post handling, has a TMDA-fueled encryption/forwarding service, a web interface, respects X-No-Archive, supplies RSS feeds, uses SPF, gathers traffic statistics, and has a real-time indexing search engine. Not all mailing lists allow non-subscribers to post, and some are moderated. To read the mailing lists stored in Gmane, point your news reader to To get a new mailing list added, use the subscription form. Spam The first major problem is spam. Programming - Is there a way for linux to pick up the phone.



Introduction to Computer Science and Programming. Development. Science. Library. Reference. Xml. Beowulf. An Introduction to Lambda Calculus and Scheme. $Id: lambda.html,v 1.2 2001/02/01 01:43:43 jim Exp jim $ Jim Larson 1996-07-26 This talk was given at the JPL Section 312 Programming Lunchtime Seminar.

An Introduction to Lambda Calculus and Scheme

Functions and Lambda Notation A function accepts input and produces an output. Suppose we have a "chocolate-covering" function that produces the following outputs for the corresponding inputs: peanuts -> chocolate-covered peanuts rasins -> chocolate-covered rasins ants -> chocolate-covered ants We can use Lambda-calculus to describe such a function: Lx.chocolate-covered x This is called a lambda-expression. If we want to apply the function to an argument, we use the following syntax: Programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor, Part 1: An introduction to Linux on the PLAYSTATION 3.

Break bad UNIX usage patterns Michael StutzPublished on December 12, 2006 When you use a system often, you tend to fall into set usage patterns.

Programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor, Part 1: An introduction to Linux on the PLAYSTATION 3

Sometimes, you do not start the habit of doing things in the best possible way. Sometimes, you even pick up bad practices that lead to clutter and clumsiness. One of the best ways to correct such inadequacies is to conscientiously pick up good habits that counteract them. Adopt 10 good habits. Policies/Binary Compatibility Issues With C++ Definition A library is binary compatible, if a program linked dynamically to a former version of the library continues running with newer versions of the library without the need to recompile.

Policies/Binary Compatibility Issues With C++

If a program needs to be recompiled to run with a new version of library but doesn't require any further modifications, the library is source compatible. Binary compatibility saves a lot of trouble. It makes it much easier to distribute software for a certain platform. Without ensuring binary compatibility between releases, people will be forced to provide statically linked binaries. Waste resources (especially memory) don't allow the program to benefit from bugfixes or extensions in the libraries In the KDE project, we will provide binary compatibility within the life-span of a major release for the core libraries (kdelibs, kdepimlibs).

Note about ABI This text applies to most C++ ABIs used by compilers which KDE can be built with. The Do's and Don'ts You can... You cannot... You should... Bitflags. What Does Elegant Code Mean to Me? I thought as my first official post on, it would be appropriate to talk about what I think defines elegant code.

What Does Elegant Code Mean to Me?

Elegant is kind of an interesting word. Thinking about the word may evoke thoughts of black ties and French doilies, but it may also make you think about a modern building which looks simple and aesthetic on the outside, yet is built to withstand an earthquake. It can be fairly difficult to describe elegance, but we know it when we see it. But, if I had to describe it, how would I? Making the Complex Simple.