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Savvy Snowbirds

A Savvy Snowbird that enjoys decorating, fashion and fun. Celebrating everyday life.

An Ultimate Checklist for Snowbirds Heading South. Flocking to warms of the southern climate during the winter months can be a great way to satisfy the travel bug.

An Ultimate Checklist for Snowbirds Heading South

Also, it is best for snowbirds who want to escape the cold winter weather. It is quite a challenging task to prepare everything before leaving the house. A checklist can help put minds at ease and provide protection to the house against theft, water damage or any other unwanted thing. Ugly Backyard Makeovers: Transform Your Backyard from Dull to Beautiful. My backyard was in dire need of a makeover!

Ugly Backyard Makeovers: Transform Your Backyard from Dull to Beautiful

The patio stones surrounding the pool are chipping, discoloured and just plain ugly! Bushes are overgrown, we have privacy issues, boring furniture, old cushions…..but where to start? Exterior makeovers can be not only expensive but also time-consuming. Christmas Porch Decorating Ideas For Beautiful Outdoor - housedecoration. Learn Everything There is about the Downtown Abbey Tea Party. Friendships and Tea Is there anything nicer than the thought of the girls getting together for a Tea?

Learn Everything There is about the Downtown Abbey Tea Party

I know…some of you are thinking…Geez!! Another tea party? But what if it was a cocktail disguised as a tea? After all, tea was originally used as a medicine. Some of you might remember the mar-TEA-ni party we did last year…if not you can get all the ‘dets’ HERE (dets – short for details, apparently the ‘in’ thing to say… just trying to keep you Savvy ladies savvy) This year we did another tea based on the movie/series Downton Abbey.

Downton Abbey/Highclere Castly Nothing says Downton Abbey more than the Victorian Castle in Newbury. We started off by enjoying some ‘tea’ in the library just as they would have done at the Abbey. High Tea/Afternoon Tea Afternoon tea became fashionable in England thanks to Anna the Duchess of Bedford in the early 19th century. High tea is much heartier and is also referred to as ‘meat tea’. Veuve Clicquot was founded over 200 years ago. DIY Center Piece. Modern Style Decorating Living Room Ideas for 2019. Decorating your home is a personal thing in every sense of the word.

Modern Style Decorating Living Room Ideas for 2019

You are the one who will decide what goes inside the home and what does not gives the vibes. Whether it is replacing the old rug in the living room, buying more lights, or adding more accessories to the study room, you have the final word. Although it is a free choice thing, in the end, what you place will decide how much you know about home décor. With that said, we have come up with a list of the best modern style decorating living room to spruce up your home décor this 2019. Ottoman / Bench Books Although we live in an age where people prefer to buy a digital book reader to an actual paperback novel, the same does not hold for your home. Personal Art In short, the basic idea is to display something not found in your neighbor’s home. Choose Something Cozy When it comes to the bedroom, naturally you would use blankets and quilts. Endnote. Here Are the Best Flower Pot Ideas For Christmas Porch Decorations. Ah!

Here Are the Best Flower Pot Ideas For Christmas Porch Decorations

The beautiful rose flower in the flower pot just outside your home inevitably attracts the attention of the passerby’s. The flower pots not only provide a haven to you for planting your favorite flowers but are also a great decor item for the outdoors and indoors of your home. However, at times, a colored flower pot no more does the trick, which is where many homeowners start looking for the perfect Christmas porch decorations. With a little décor, that year-old flower pot can again get a new breath of life without spending money on a new one. With that said, let us look at some of the best DIY ideas for a great flower pot décor. Fabric and Adhesive The first tip we want to offer you is using fabric, which you can use with some adhesive on a particular area of the flower pot.Next, place a fabric cloth on the top.Lastly, you can also choose any favorite shade to paint on the pot, as it will also help you cover up any cracks or provide it with a new look altogether.

How to throw a perfect Downton Abbey Tea Party - Savvy Snowbirds. Get Professional Tips for Ugly Yard Makeover and Prettify your Home Today. Stay Fabulous Over Fifty With The Best Tips to Handle Aging Gracefully! Who Says Age Slows Down the Gleeful? You Can Still Be Fabulous After Fifty! Fashion Gets a Completely New Look With Kentucky Derby Women. Printable Snowbird Checklist – Become A Snowbird with Ease. Savvy Organization Christmas Organization Thanksgiving.

Printable Snowbird Checklist – Become A Snowbird with Ease

Winter Front Porch Decor Ideas For This Christmas. Ah!

Winter Front Porch Decor Ideas For This Christmas

The winters are here; it is time to give your living space the best look. The time of sleds, skates, skis, and snowmen. The time for you to relax in the cozy fur blankets, light a candle lantern and sleep peacefully. However, without some excellent winter front porch decor ideas, this holiday season will always remain bland. Get Outdoor Christmas Decorating Ideas for Front Porch. Asian Themed Bridal Shower – A Gift-Giving Party. One of my best friend’s daughter is getting married this summer and I hosted an intimate luncheon with some friends.

Asian Themed Bridal Shower – A Gift-Giving Party

The weather situation was a bit sketchy so I decided not to mess around with Mother Nature (cause you know how she can be) and I had the lunch in the house as opposed to the backyard…and thank goodness that I did because she sure ‘showered’ our shower! Cassandra is the beautiful young bride…she is a beauty inside and out. I asked her mom Brenda, where Cassandra and her fiancé were planning on going for their honeymoon. I was hoping she would say something like Paris. I had visions of how I was going to decorate. I hit Pinterest with a vengeance!! Invitations were sent via Evite. When life gives you lemons make lemonade! I love lemons.

When life gives you lemons make lemonade!

I love drinking lemon water, hot or cold. I love cleaning with lemon. I love throwing a slice of lemon in the dishwasher. I love the smell of lemons. Who doesn’t love a tall glass of lemonade on a hot day? I came across this great list of uses for lemons. By John Summerly Most people are familiar with the traditional uses for lemons to soothe sore throats and add some citrus flavour to our foods. 1. 2. 3. This is my favourite lemonade. Affordable Front Porch Christmas Decorating Ideas- A Checklist to Remember. Posted by louismarcel on October 15th, 2019 Christmas is right around the corner, and people are eagerly waiting to celebrate the big-day with full charm.

Affordable Front Porch Christmas Decorating Ideas- A Checklist to Remember

Starting from decorating homes to buying an all new Santa dress, this festive flavor is somewhat different. Well, people decorate homes in the best way possible but overlook the porch space. This might not be a good idea this season, for sure.