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What makes cybercrime laws so difficult to enforce. When the Internet first "went commercial" and became affordable enough and easy enough to access for ordinary people (that is, those outside academia and government), it was a new frontier.

What makes cybercrime laws so difficult to enforce

Like the Wild West of old, it was mostly unregulated; legislators hadn't anticipated the rapid growth or the types of online behaviors that would require new laws to protect innocent users. Over the more than two decades since, state and federal governments have passed many statutes to address the problem of criminal activities that take place over the Internet. Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, theft of wireless services, spamming, unauthorized access - most of these laws didn't exist twenty-five years ago. So now we have plenty of laws on the books, but enforcing them is another matter. It can be frustrating for the victims of such crimes, when the perpetrators are never brought to justice. Jurisdictional issues Branch of law. Geographic area. Why is geographic jurisdiction such a big problem? Businesses contracts terms definitions glossary - dictionary of contracts legal terms, jargon, expressions, latin contract terms.

General business contracts terms and definitions glossary Acceptance - the unconditional agreement to an offer.

businesses contracts terms definitions glossary - dictionary of contracts legal terms, jargon, expressions, latin contract terms

This creates the contract. Forbes Welcome. Corporate, Commercial, & General Law Terms and Definitions. Future Law Students Should Avoid Prelaw Majors, Some Say. The University of California—Berkeley's description of what its legal studies major is—and isn't—evokes surrealist René Magritte's painting of a pipe with the French inscription, "This is not a pipe.

Future Law Students Should Avoid Prelaw Majors, Some Say

" Despite its name, the major wasn't designed to prepare students for law school, but the Berkeley website states that it attracts aspiring J.D.'s, since it develops critical analysis and debate skills. National Women's Business Council. State of Women-Owned Businesses 2014 - Infographic. The Most Powerful Businesswomen In The World - In Photos: The World's 20 Most Powerful Women In Business.

6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Own Lingerie Business. Like fashion, the lingerie industry can at times be brutal.

6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Own Lingerie Business

Working in the corporate lingerie world is often a competitive, stressful and exhausting experience leaving one with stories that can rival infamous scenes from The Devil Wears Prada! Though it is a smaller offshoot of the fashion industry, the intimates market has been growing and the demand for faster turn around rates and cutting-edge products are as high as ever. Big name brands are constantly stealing designs from smaller indie labels and offering them at lower prices (and usually compromised quality) to the masses.

Quality and workmanship are suffering as companies rush to reach a bigger audience and gain more revenue. Time is of the essence and the race for the next perfect panty, “it” bra or innovative fit technique has become more competitive than ever, saturating the mainstream market with an overwhelming selection of mediocre lingerie. 1) Defining your target customer is key. Five-forces-strategypotter-130926144018-phpapp01. Five-forces-strategypotter-130926144018-phpapp01. Starting a business is a marathon: 5 expert tips to avoid burnout. Stress and entrepreneurship go hand in hand.

Starting a business is a marathon: 5 expert tips to avoid burnout

This Should Be Your Focus When Starting a Business. The Entrepreneur Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America’s startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers.

This Should Be Your Focus When Starting a Business

Today’s answer to the question “What’s something you wish you knew before starting your business?” Is written by Christy Johnson, founder of Artemis connection. Every day, my team comes across companies that miss opportunities with potential employees. Small-Business Guide - A Small-Business Guide to Intellectual Property. The two most precious resources for any small-business owner are time and money.

Small-Business Guide - A Small-Business Guide to Intellectual Property

That’s why when the subject of intellectual property comes up, many owners run in the other direction. They see images of expensive lawyers and use that as an excuse to ignore the topic, reasoning that it is a problem for big companies to worry about. The trouble is, with the rise of competition through the Internet and on the global market, understanding intellectual property is more critical than ever for small-business owners.

How to Start a Clothing Line - Tips for Success. Two clothing line founders share their tips for success as an independent fashion brand. / Credit: "Burning Lies Re-Inked" shirt image via Seventh.Ink Starting a clothing line is a popular aspiration for those with an interest in fashion.

How to Start a Clothing Line - Tips for Success

How 2 Women Launched a Lingerie Brand With No Design Experience. Most people start a fashion line because of a passion for design -- and end up worrying about the business aspects later.

How 2 Women Launched a Lingerie Brand With No Design Experience

But for Negative Underwear founders Lauren Schwab and Marissa Vosper, it went the other way around. In fact, before Negative Underwear, neither had any design experience at all: Schwab worked at a private equity firm and Vosper worked in brand consulting. Instead, finding themselves somewhat restless with work, the style-obsessed friends took classes at FIT for fun. How to Protect Your Business Idea Without a Patent. It's natural to fear that your idea might be stolen.

How to Protect Your Business Idea Without a Patent

But you can't turn your vision into reality without the help of others. Sooner or later, you're going to want to ask an industry expert to evaluate your product or service.