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Multi file upload with Uploadify and Carrierwave on Rails 3. I have been using Paperclip to upload images in Rails apps for about 2-3 years now. Recently after watching CarrierWave File Uploads screencast by Ryan Bates, I got interested to try it out. However, I wished to extend it a bit more and add support for multi-file uploads with Uploadify . Luckily, I had an old application based on Rails 2, Paperclip, and old version of Uploadify. Although, I got it working with the new components, I do not have this application published anywhere. AJAX file uploads in Rails using attachment_fu and responds_to_parent - Khamsouk Souvanlasy. Step 1.

AJAX file uploads in Rails using attachment_fu and responds_to_parent - Khamsouk Souvanlasy

Choose a file upload plugin Sure, you can write one yourself (or bake the code directly into your app), but unless you have specific requirements you should take a look at what’s available. Cucumber - Making BDD fun. Akdemia. Integration Test.