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Genotyp. Techno &gt; LCD fonts. EasyDynFont Demo. EasyDynFont Testpage This is a small test page to explain you how to implement EasyDynFont in your pages and to show what it does. To test the functionality, use the dropdown to the right, and the buttons "larger" and "smaller". EasyDynFont works with every HTML page that has no elements with a fixed font size. To make it work, make sure that all the elements of the page have a font setting measured in "em" or "%" rather than pixels or points. Using EasyDynFont without knowing Javascript To use EasyDynFont simply add a in the head part of your page and initialise it in your body tag via <body onload="init()">.

Then add a <script language="JavaScript">drawform();</script> in the body of your document, where you want the form to change the size and font to appear. The form has the following style-classes attached to it: dynform for the form element, dynselect for the dropdown and dynbutton for the buttons. In the easydynfont.js file you can change the following: