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Soymenos: investigaciones sobre arte y cultura. Al final de la fiesta · ELPAÍ Es evidente que nos hallamos inmersos en una crisis que no es coyuntural sino sistémica. Posiblemente nos encontramos ante el final de un ciclo. Y no cabe duda de que se avecina un período de recesión quizás semejante al que ocurrió tras el crash del 29. Si durante estos años de bonanza económica la cultura y el arte se han asociado a menudo con el mercado, la moda y el prestigio social, no nos sorprendería que ahora fuesen considerados lujos prescindibles.

Sin embargo, no hemos de olvidar que el trabajo cognitivo es esencial en nuestro proceso productivo y que la información y el conocimiento tienen una importancia de la que habían carecido en otras épocas. En un país como el nuestro, escaso de recursos, éste es un factor que no debemos pasar por alto. Pensar que la cultura es un gasto superfluo es no haber entendido el funcionamiento real de la sociedad contemporánea y puede acarrear la toma de decisiones y medidas de dudosa eficacia. ¿Cómo afecta la crisis a los museos? Programación para niños: Hacketyhack, Small Basic, Scratch, Alic. ¿Un secreto? El segundo lenguaje de programación que conocí en la vida (sí…escribí mi primer “Hola Mundo” en Basic, con un Commodore ;)) fue LogoSB, un software de dibujo vectorial basado en instrucciones textuales y especialmente pensado para enseñar a los niños ciertos rudimentos de programación y diseño.

Recuerdo poco ya sobre la tortuguita que seguía nuestras órdenes para trazar dibujos. Algo más a los niños a los que trataba de enseñar a moverla escribiendo líneas de código. El tema ha evolucionado hoy. Y además del recientemente lanzado al mercado, Small Basic, de Microsoft, programas como Scratch, Alice, el impactante Hackety Hack, o Squeak y su imagen para OLPC (One laptop per child) que descubro tras una sugerencia de @amaciel y al que creo que dedicaremos post aparte, merecen una oportunidad. Y no sólo para niños en el caso de Hackety Hack: Ruby es el único lenguaje que Hackety Hack enseña. Lo mejor, en Hackety Hack es que es Software Libre. Network - Joint Publications Series. Digital Culture: The Changing Dynamics Edited by Aleksandra Uzelac and Biserka CvjetičaninCulturelink Joint Publication Series No. 12, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2008, 202 pp., 30 €, ISBN: 978-953-6096-46-6 The Hitchhikers Guide to the Digital Galaxy Review by Colin Mercer We are all hitchhikers in what a number of the authors in this very useful collection (and guide) call the 'new digital territory'.

But the answer here to the 'meaning of life, the universe and everything' is not '42' [The answer, after 7.5 million years of research, given to a question that is not known.], but the binary code '01' which apparently covers everything from Morse Code through Braille to ASCII and beyond. (Don't ask me what that means – I know it without understanding, just like most of us who use the internet or drive cars which only computers can diagnose and repair).

Well, there are the dystopian, the utopian, the policy-wise, and the practical/creative. BLOG » formación. COPYFIGHT. CEO = Creative Entrepreneurial Organiser! | As founder and CEO of – our web based project management software company, I have many challenges on a daily basis. Basically my day is troubleshooting and helping sort people out. So I’ve decided that this description of the term C.E.O. is a little more relevant.

“C” – Creative! One of the biggest parts of the job is creating things from nothing. Visuals, systems, documents, cashflows, infrastructure! It all takes a huge amount of creative thinking. I remember when I sat down and designed the ProWorkflow solution on paper with a few loose pencil sketches some years ago – and look at it now! “E” – Entrepreneurial! “O” – Organiser! Whilst staff organise with their ‘piece of the puzzle’ in mind, the difference with a CEO is that they organise with the ‘full picture’ in mind. About the author:Julian Stone, CEO – Project Management Software visionary for: ProActiveSoftware, ProWorkflow, ProWorkflow Blog & Julian101 Be Sociable, Share! 10 Semantic Apps to Watch - ReadWriteWeb. One of the highlights of October's Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco was the emergence of 'Semantic Apps' as a force. Note that we're not necessarily talking about the Semantic Web, which is the Tim Berners-Lee W3C led initiative that touts technologies like RDF, OWL and other standards for metadata.

Semantic Apps may use those technologies, but not necessarily. This was a point made by the founder of one of the Semantic Apps listed below, Danny Hillis of Freebase (who is as much a tech legend as Berners-Lee). The purpose of this post is to highlight 10 Semantic Apps. We're not touting this as a 'Top 10', because there is no way to rank these apps at this point - many are still non-public apps, e.g. in private beta. It reflects the nascent status of this sector, even though people like Hillis and Spivack have been working on their apps for years now. What is a Semantic App?

Firstly let's define "Semantic App". Freebase Powerset Twine AdaptiveBlue Hakia Hakia has two main technologies: Talis TripIt. The Evolution of Privacy « Passpack Blog. :: Welcome to the World of Knowledge Networking @ :: 3D Geography Game Teaches Continents And Oceans 3rd May 2009 Posted in Games, Geography | <a href=" Mind Tree - Brain Trainer 15th April 2009 Posted in Games, Logic | <a href=" English Alphabet Reading Game Example (Level 1) Posted in Games, Reading | <a href=" American English Alphabet Pronounciation Chalkboard Game 12th April 2009 Posted in Games, Reading | <a href=" 3D Alphabet Car Racing Prototype 9th April 2009 Posted in Games, Reading | <a href=" Visible Human Body 3D 6th April 2009 Posted in Anatomy, Reference, Science | <a href=" World Wide Telescope Web Client Posted in Astronomy, Reference, Science | <a href=" 3D Chess Game 5th April 2009 Posted in Games, Logic | <a href="

Ple | Flexknowlogy - Jared Stein on Education and Technology. Tweet Scan. In the innovative world of Microblogging, one site aims to organize it all. Tweet Scan searches Twitter, and other sites with more being added all the time. You can search public messages and user profiles with results available via email, RSS, and JSON. For more information check our API page or read our Blog Benefits of using Tweet Scan Email Alerts: Find lost or multi-user replies. Services indexed by Tweet Scan: Tweet Scan is a Sterry IT, LLC project. News &amp; Coverage: Web 2.0 Expo New York 2008 - Co-produced by. Open a Circle. Web 2.0 Expo New York 2008 - Co-produced by TechWeb &amp; O&#039. The inaugural Web 2.0 Expo New York is a wrap. Save the dates for 2009 - we'll be back at Javits Center November 16-19, 2009.

Interested in speaking opportunities? The Call for Participation will open the first week of April. Check out the 2008 highlights: Web 2.0 Expo Comes to New York "Well, it's about <expletive deleted> time. " We agree. Web 2.0 Expo is for the builders of the next generation web: designers, developers, entrepreneurs, marketers, business strategists, and venture capitalists, people who have experiences to share and a passion for learning - the hot new thing, lessons from failures, innovations and inspirations, and the practical applications of all of the above. What are the ways we can create more value for our businesses?

The inaugural Web 2.0 Expo New York takes the pulse of the Web ecosystem and looks to its future, training a spotlight across the Web 2.0 universe to illuminate how the Internet Revolution is being created and delivered. Experience Web 2.0 Expo. Create Your Own Social Network for Conferences, Events, Groups o. Is this per event? Yes, all of our prices are per-event.

How long do the networks stay up? We're committed to keeping the networks up for at least 12 months. In practice, they stay up as long as you want them to. Can I switch to a different package afterward? Yes, you can upgrade a package and we'll pro-rate the new package for any previous payment. Do you offer package discounts? Yes, if you can commit to three or more conferences we'll offer a 10% discount with prepayment and if you can commit to 10 or more conferences we'll offer a 15% discount with prepayment. Do you offer special discounts? No, with a few exceptions. Volume discounts for customers with multiple conferences, detailed to the left. 2007 Noves Tecnologies i Relacions Socials. ¿Por qué la Ley de Metcalfe no funciona con las redes sociales? InShare0inShare0 Creo que todos sabemos que la Ley de Metcalfe no funciona con las redes sociales porque no podemos tener infinitos amigos.

Pero nunca había visto esto conceptualizado. Y según revelan en el Business Week, hace mucho que lo hicieron dos académicos: George Zipf y Robin Dunbar. La Ley de Metcalfe viene a decir que las redes crecen exponencialmente porque cada usuario atrae a otros usuarios que a suvez consiguen que vengan más, con lo que el valor del conjunto se incrementa en la misma medida. Esto es aplicable, por ejemplo, a una infraestructura telefónica: vale mucho más si hay 100 usuarios que si sólo hay 2, porque sus posibilidades se multiplican.

Esto mismo es aplicable al software: a Windows, a un programa Messenger, etc. Sin embargo, George Zipf dice que no se puede extender a las redes sociales, ya que una vez que hemos llegado a un determinado nivel (pongamos 100 contactos), el valor de cada uno que añadamos disminuye. Studeous | The Free and Easy Way to Manage Your Courses Online. Abrir Puertos : Router Xavi 7768r Wireless. GESTIÓN DE PUERTOS EN EL ROUTER XAVI 7768r WIRELESS. Para abrir puertos, se puede hacer de 2 formas, como casi toda configuración con este router: con el configurador de telefónica o por web. El más recomendado es el segundo. Ahora vamos a explicar como abrir puertos por web: Abrimos nuestro navegador y ponemos la puerta de enlace Nos pedirá usuario y contraseña.

Si no la hemos cambiado con el configurador que nos da telefónica, por defecto son user: 1234 y password: 1234 Entramos en la configuración del router: Para ir a la opción de abrir puertos, hay dos maneras distintas, según el router. La otra manera seria accediendo en Configuration -> Ports -> Advanced Nat Configuration. Lo demás es igual. Después en Add Reserved Mapping... Y a Advanced NAT Configuration: En IP Addresses, en Global, lo dejamos como está.

Transport Type es el tipo de puerto. Después le damos a Add Reserved Mapping. Para poner un ejemplo de cómo quedaría al abrir los puertos del emule y algo más: Newskicks. Loudle - Digg Like Page Submitter. Install sources » Search » iPhoneFreakz. Aug 14 A while back a made a post about some sources you can manually add to installer to make more packages available. After testing out the repos i said that you can add I found that many were corrupt and caused installer (and in many cases your whole iPhone) to run slowly and crash. I have […] Aug 09 many of us have already pwned our 2.0.1 iPhones and installed the brand new (beta) although many of you may be dissapointed at how few packages were available. well there are more than you orginally thought. Jun 28 Community Sources 3.86 for the iPhone fixes some dns issues BigBoss had with his repository’s. Jun 12 Jason Kit was updated to version 1.2. May 07 Jason Kit is actually a old app named iLM renamed.

Nov 13 Rip-Dev published on their blog a list of improvements made to the latest version of Installer. Sep 25 Well the time has finally come, Rip-Dev has released an update to Installer. Estudios visuales. Big Think - We Are What You Think. Calcular la distancia entre dos puntos de la tierra - Tu Tiempo. 13 OpenSocial Video Tutorials and Educational Videos. OpenSocial is Google's developer platform for social networking applications. It's the backbone behind applications on MySpace, Orkut, Friendster, LinkedIn, Plaxo, hi5, and many more. We've gathered a list of 13 OpenSocial video tutorials and educational videos so you can learn more about how to use it. OpenSocial Google Workshop - Here's an hour-long video of a workshop that Google offers for getting acquainted with OpenSocial. While not strictly a tutorial, it does provide some great information. Google's Open Social Tutorial Series - This five-part series covers all the basics for using OpenSocial and includes: Gadget Basics, Listing Friends, Giving Gifts, Listing Gifts You've Sent, and Listing Gifts You've Received.

How to Put Flixster Functionality into MySpace - This tutorial shows how to integrate Flixster into your profile using OpenSocial. OpenSocial Across Containers - This video covers best-practices for implementing OpenSocial applications across containers. Sobrevivir al Power Point. Por JUAN FREIRE (SOITU.ES) Actualizado 11-05-2008 09:04 CET A CORUÑA.- Power Point se ha convertido en sinónimo de presentación y, casi, de conferencia. No hay evento, seminario o reunión de trabajo que se precie en la que los ponentes no acompañen su intervención con una colección de textos e imágenes que han preparado con este programa de Microsoft. Incluso cuando alguien utiliza Keynote de Apple o Impress de OpenOffice, sus presentaciones se suelen denominar "el powerpoint" (un término digno de incorporarse al estribillo de cualquier futuro éxito en el festival de Eurovisión).

Por supuesto este éxito se acompaña de fuertes críticas, tanto al sobreuso (o mal uso) de las ayudas visuales realizadas por los ponentes como, más específicamente, por las limitaciones que impone el programa cuando se prepara una presentación. 'Powerpoint' con una bienvenida a Power Point. Existen otros usos de esta herramienta. Seis lecciones Minimalismo. La presentación universal. Your profile everywhere. My top pick is Atomkeep. "My top pick is AtomKeep. This is a service that allows you to build a profile on a single site, and then pump it out to as many of the platforms that you have accounts with. It's really cool, clever and intuitive.

" -Andrew Dubber, New Music Strategies Atomkeep is pretty awesome... "Atomkeep is pretty awesome. -Anonymous, Internet I've been looking for this type of service! "I've been looking for this type of service for a very, very long time. -Ben Parr, Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer and Innovator, Tech Analyst, Aspiring World Changer Something most of us have really wanted... "...the concept behind Atomkeep is awesome, and something most of us have really wanted (unlike data portability) over the past.

-Imran Hussain, Author, Startup Meme Atomkeep has a kick ass interface... "Atomkeep has a kick ass interface. -Erico Odom, Author, Freshy SEO Atomkeep tends to fulfill users' demand of sync... -Kenny Lee, Author, TagEdge Fresh approach... -Anonymous, Internet Marketer. Planeta Web 2.0: Inteligencia Colectiva. Technologies: the leader in advanced social network communities. Escaloop. ☆ Dead-simple lifestream badges. I D E N T I T I S W A P D A T A B A S E. RMail. Shelfari. Readr - 20 profiles in 1 - Stay in touch with your friends. Somwhere. Iminta - what are you inta?